Friday, 16 October 2015


ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0


SQL> startup nomount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 5344731136 bytes
Fixed Size                  2185160 bytes
Variable Size            3120564280 bytes
Database Buffers         2214592512 bytes
Redo Buffers                7389184 bytes
ORA-01507: database not mounted

SQL> alter database mount;

Database altered.

ORA-00279: change 1615709 generated at 10/16/2015 01:06:27 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion :
ORA-00280: change 1615709 for thread 1 is in sequence #58

Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}

ORA-00308: cannot open archived log
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.

ORA-10879: error signaled in parallel recovery slave
ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent



SQL> select instance_name, status from v$instance;

---------------- ------------
mccdelo1q        MOUNTED

SQL> shutdown immediate
ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 5344731136 bytes
Fixed Size                  2185160 bytes
Variable Size            3120564280 bytes
Database Buffers         2214592512 bytes
Redo Buffers                7389184 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET "_allow_resetlogs_corruption"= TRUE SCOPE = SPFILE;

System altered.


System altered.

SQL> shutdown immediate
ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 5344731136 bytes
Fixed Size                  2185160 bytes
Variable Size            3120564280 bytes
Database Buffers         2214592512 bytes
Redo Buffers                7389184 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database open resetlogs;

Database altered.

SQL> CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE undo1 datafile 'D:\app\Admin\oradata\MCCDELO1Q\undo1_1.dbf' size 200m autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

Tablespace created.

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET undo_tablespace = undo1 SCOPE=spfile;

System altered.

SQL> alter system set undo_management=auto scope=spfile;

System altered.

SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 5344731136 bytes
Fixed Size                  2185160 bytes
Variable Size            3120564280 bytes
Database Buffers         2214592512 bytes
Redo Buffers                7389184 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

Thank You.


Friday, 28 August 2015

SAN Versus(V/S) DAS

SAN (storage area network) is a high-speed network of storage devices that also connects those storage devices with servers. It provides block-level storage that can be accessed by the applications running on any networked servers. SAN storage devices can include tape libraries and disk-based devices, like RAID hardware.

SAN Vs. DAS Performance

Organizations often choose to deploy a storage area network because it offers better flexibility, availability and performance than direct-attached storage (DAS). Because a SAN removes storage from the servers and consolidates it in a place where it can be accessed by any application, it tends to improve storage utilization. Storage utilization improvements often allow organizations to defer purchases of additional storage hardware, which saves money and requires less space in the data center.

Thanks to high-speed connections (usually Fibre Channel), SANs often provide better performance than DAS. Also, because SANs usually offer multiple connections to and from the data center's servers, they also improve availability. In addition, separating the storage from the servers frees up the computing resources on the servers for other tasks not related to storage.

SANs Simplify Management Tasks

SANs are particularly helpful in backup and disaster recovery settings. Within a SAN, data can be transferred from one storage device to another without interacting with a server. This speeds up the backup process and eliminates the need to use server CPU cycles for backup. Also, many SANs utilize Fibre Channel technology or other networking protocols that allow the networks to span longer distances geographically. That makes it more feasible for companies to keep their backup data in remote locations.

Utilizing a SAN can also simplify some management tasks, potentially allowing organizations to hire fewer IT workers or to free up some IT workers for other tasks. It's also possible to boot servers from a SAN, which can reduce the time and hassles involved in replacing a server.

SAN Alternatives

Before the advent of SANs, organizations generally used direct-attached storage (DAS). As the name implies, direct-attached storage is directly attached to the server, residing either on the server or in a standalone storage device that is not part of a separate storage networking environment. Many smaller organizations continue to use DAS today because it offers lower upfront costs than deploying a SAN. However, for larger companies, the benefits of a SAN often outweigh the costs.

Sometimes people confuse the term SAN with the term NAS, which stands for "network-attached storage." The key to distinguishing the two lies in the last term of each acronym: a SAN (storage area network) is an actual network, while NAS (network-attached storage) refers to a storage device, typically in an IP network. While SANs provide block-level storage for servers, a NAS device provides file-level storage for end users. For example, the mail application on your company servers might utilize a SAN to store all the messages, contacts and other data it requires; by contrast, an end user would use a NAS device to save files, such as word processing documents or spreadsheets. Operating systems see a SAN as a disk, while they see a NAS device as a file server.

Making things somewhat more confusing, some storage systems take a hybrid approach, offering some SAN capabilities as well as some NAS capabilities. It's also possible to include NAS devices within a SAN.
SAN Implementation

To set up a simple SAN, you need only three major components: a SAN switch, a storage device and a server. You'll also require cables to connect the various elements together and SAN management software. In most real-world settings, a SAN will include many different switches, storage devices and servers, and it will likely also include routers, bridges and gateways to extend the SAN over large areas and to connect to other parts of the data center network. The SAN's topology will depend on its size and the needs of the organization.

The process of deploying a SAN requires several steps. First, you need to design your SAN, taking into account your current needs and future scalability requirements. Second, you'll need to select a vendor or vendors to provide the hardware and software you'll need, as well as any related services. Next, you'll install the necessary hardware and then install and configure the software for managing your SAN. Deploying a SAN is a complicated process that often requires specialized knowledge and a great deal of planning, particularly if your SAN is very large.

SAN Technology

Several different industry groups have developed standards related to SAN technology. The most prominent is probably the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), which promotes the Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S), as well as related standards. The Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA) also promotes standards related to SAN and administers the SANmark Qualified Program.

Fibre Channel is currently the most widely used communication protocol for SANs, but it is by no means the only one. Some SAN networks rely on iSCSI communication, a mapping of SCSI protocol over TCP/IP. SANs can also use ATA over Ethernet (AoE), Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), ESCON over Fibre Channel, HyperSCSI and some other protocols.

Cheers to SAN!


Network Attached Storage (NAS) V/S Storage Area Network (SAN)

Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Definition - What does Network Attached Storage (NAS) mean?

Network attached storage (NAS) is a dedicated server, also referred to as an appliance, used for file storage and sharing. NAS is a hard drive attached to a network, used for storage and accessed through an assigned network address. It acts as a server for file sharing but does not allow other services (like emails or authentication). It allows the addition of more storage space to available networks even when the system is shutdown during maintenance.

NAS is a complete system designed for heavy network systems, which may be processing millions of transactions per minute. NAS provides a widely supported storage system for any organization requiring a reliable network system.
Techopedia explains Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Organizations looking for the best, reliable data storage methods, which can be managed and controlled with their established network systems, often choose network attached storage. NAS allows organizations and home computer networks to store and retrieve data in bulk amounts for an affordable price.

The following three components play an important role in NAS:

    NAS Protocol: NAS severs are fully supported by the network file system and common interface file system. NASs also support different kinds of network protocols including SCP and File Transfer Protocol (FTP). However, over TCP/IP, communication can be done more efficiently and reliably. The initial purpose of NAS design was only file sharing over UNIX across a LAN. NAS also strongly supports HTTP. So users/clients can easily download the stuff directly from the Web if NAS is connected to the Internet.
    NAS Connections: Different mediums are used for establishing connections with NAS servers, including: Ethernet, fiber optics and wireless mediums with 802.11 standards.
    NAS Drives: Any technology can be used for this purpose, but SCSI is used by default. ATA disks, optical discs and magnetic media are also supported by NAS.

Storage Area Network (SAN)

Definition - What does Storage Area Network (SAN) mean?

A storage area network (SAN) is a secure high-speed data transfer network that provides access to consolidated block-level storage. An SAN makes a network of storage devices accessible to multiple servers. SAN devices appear to servers as attached drives, eliminating traditional network bottlenecks.

SANs are sometimes also referred to (albeit redundantly) as SAN storage, SAN network, network SAN, etc.
Techopedia explains Storage Area Network (SAN)

Introduced in the early 2000s, SANs were initially limited to enterprise class computing. Today, high-speed disk costs have gradually dropped and SANs have become a mainstay for greater organizational storage.

SAN implementation simplifies information life cycle management and plays a critical role in delivering a consistent and secure data transfer infrastructure.

SAN solutions are available as two types:

    Fiber Channel (FC): Storage and servers are connected via a high-speed network of interconnected fiber channel switches. This is used for mission-critical applications where uninterrupted data access is required.
    Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) Protocol: This infrastructure gives the flexibility of a low-cost IP network.

Both provide advantages based on business requirements.

The advantages of SAN include:

    Storage Virtualization: Server capacity is no longer linked to single storage devices, as large and consolidated storage pools are now available for software applications.
    High-Speed Disk Technologies: An example is FC, which offers data retrieval speeds that exceed 5 Gbps. Storage-to-storage data transfer is also available via direct data transmission from the source to the target device with minimal or no server intervention.
    Centralized Backup: Servers view stored data on local disks, rather than multiple disk and server connections. Advanced backup features, such as block level and incremental backups, streamline IT system administrator responsibilities.
    Dynamic Failover Protection: Provides continuous network operation, even if a server fails or goes offline for maintenance, which enables built-in redundancy and automatic traffic rerouting.

SAN is offered by server manufacturers, such as IBM and HP. Server-independent SAN providers include EMC and Network Appliance.

Play with Storages and dont blame the network! :D :D



Wednesday, 26 August 2015

How to Setup an ArcSDE Trace for API Developers troubleshooting ?

The trace corresponds to client API calls, not the calls made inside the server executive to the database itself.

The use of the trace environment is simple

Create following two environment variables:



Now launch ArcGIS Desktop.  You should disable the trace by removing or altering the SDETRACELOC variable.

And to know what is happening between the SE_stream_execute and the first SE_stream_fetch you'll have  to use the Oracle's trace.

So this is how we setup SDE Trace.


Saturday, 22 August 2015

How to check the REDO logfile estimation ? How to check that what should be the size of REDO logfile?

Use the following command to check the REDO logfile estimation :

set lines 2000 pages 2000

Explanation :

The size of the redo log files can influence performance, because the behavior of the database writer and archiver processes depend on the redo log sizes. Generally, larger redo log files provide better performance. Undersized log files increase checkpoint activity and reduce performance.

Although the size of the redo log files does not affect LGWR performance, it can affect DBWR and checkpoint behavior. Checkpoint frequency is affected by several factors, including log file size and the setting of the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter. If the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter is set to limit the instance recovery time, Oracle Database automatically tries to checkpoint as frequently as necessary. Under this condition, the size of the log files should be large enough to avoid additional checkpointing due to under sized log files. The optimal size can be obtained by querying the OPTIMAL_LOGFILE_SIZE column from the V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY view. You can also obtain sizing advice on the Redo Log Groups page of Oracle Enterprise Manager.

It may not always be possible to provide a specific size recommendation for redo log files, but redo log files in the range of 100 MB to a few gigabytes are considered reasonable. Size online redo log files according to the amount of redo your system generates. A rough guide is to switch log files at most once every 20 minutes.

Happy Blogging :)

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Slow ArcSDE Performance Troubleshooting

Why is my ArcSDE geodatabase running so slow?  Is it because I have too much data?  Probably not.  That’s why you bought the big enterprise DBMS, isn’t it?  Whether its a direct connection or an application server connection, sluggish SDE performance will happen from time to time.

Update statistics and rebuild indexes:

A good thing to get into is to analyze any new feature class or table brought into the geodatabase.  However, see this link to rebuild indexes and update statistics for the entire GDB……and add it to your GDB maintenance routine:

FAQ:  How can ArcSDE performance be improved?


Compressing (not reck/post) moves edits stored in the Delta tables into the base table as well as remove any unreferenced states. Even if you’re a small shop with few editiors, letting these tables grow unmanaged will wreak havoc on performance over time.  Also, you don’t necessarily need to disconnect users, delete versions or unregister replicas to benefit from a compress.

Compressing an ArcSDE geodatabase helps maintain database performance by removing unused data.
Specifically it does two things:
  • First, it removes unreferenced dates, and their associated delta table rows.
  • Second, it moves entries in the delta tables that are common to all versions into the base tables, thus reducing the amount of data that the database searches through when executing queries. In effect, a compress will improve query performance and system response time by reducing the depth and complexity of the state tree.
When a large volume of uncompressed changes have accumulated in an ArcSDE geodatabase, a compress operation can take hours or even days. This is another very common cause of poor performance. To avoid this, you should compress on a regular basis (daily, weekly, and after periods of high editing activity). Users can stay connected to the geodatabase during a compress, but we suggest that all users be disconnected for the compress operation to be fully effective.
Remember to update statistics before and after a compress, and note the one exception mentioned earlier. The compress command is available in ArcCatalog. You add the command from the Customize dialog box, and you must be connected as the SDE user to execute it, or you could execute a compress with SDE commands.

The geodatabase compress operation

HowTo:  Compress a versioned database to state 0

 Five Best Practices for Maintaining an ArcSDE Geodatabase


Direct Connections(2 Tier) V/S the ArcSDE Service Connections(3 Tier):

Old habits are hard to break and the 3-tier application (ArcSDE) service is certainly one of them. When I know I have to use SDE commands for troubleshooting, I almost always set up a service so I don’t have to type the connection string repeatedly.

With that being said, for everyday use, the direct connection really is the way to go.  Consider this a choice between geodatabase transactions processed over the network or those same geodatabase transactions processed on the client machine.  Most computers today have more than enough processing power to handle this and other than the text in  the connection properties, ArcSDE functionality remains unchanged.

Check out this great link for more details:

 Why should I be making direct connections to an ArcSDE geodatabase?


Here are a couple of direct connect syntax examples to get you started:
    Sql Server – sde:sqlserver:<server_name\instance_name>   
    Oracle with ArcSDE 10 – sde:oracle11g*:<net service name>   * or oracle10g   
    Oracle pre v.10 – sde:oracle10g:\;LOCAL=<Oracle SID>   
    PostgreSQL – sde:postgresql:<server_name>


$SDEHOME/etc – Understanding SDEHOME and its components

Whether it’s $SDEHOME or %SDEHOME% the “etc” folder contains a wealth of information that, when encountering an error,  may point out something silly and easy to fix or at least lead you in the right direction.


The dbinit.sde file is read each time the ArcSDE instance starts.  This file can be used to set environment variables for error logging, location paths, user names, passwords and more.  Here are two environment variables to enable a client intercept log.


set SDEINTERCEPTLOC= “C:\Temp\client_intercept”

Environment variables


This file contains the configuration keywords and their specified values.  Typically, the default parameters are acceptable but it’s possible to create new keywords or change the default values. This is a topic unto itself so I’ll leave it be for now.   Have a look at these links for more details:

What is the DBTUNE table?

What are DBTUNE configuration keywords and parameters?


This file updates the sde.server_config table in the database.  Most of the initialization parameters in this table should not need to be altered from their default settings, except possibly the TEMP location on Windows installations and MINBUFFSIZE and MAXBUFFSIZE, which can be adjusted to improve data loading performance.

The TCPKEEPALIVE parameter is the value I seem to change the most.  Setting this to TRUE can help avoid orphaned gsvr processes which can hog network resources and prevent additional connections.  Here’s an example to change the TCPKEEPALIVE parameter to true with the sdeconifg command:

C:\> sdeconfig -o alter -v TCPKEEPALIVE=TRUE -i <service> -D <database_name>

ArcSDE Command Reference


This file stores the name and TCP/IP port number for the ArcSDE service.  Unix machines will always pull information from this file to connect.  Windows machines will only use this file when starting a service with the sdemon command.  The Windows services file can be found in the %windir%\System32\drivers\etc directory.
# ESRI ArcSDE Remote Protocol
#esri_sde 5151/tcp

sde_<service_name>.log,  goimgr_<service_name>.log

The giomgr listens for requests to connect to the database.  When the request is received, the giomgr spawns a gsrvr process for that client.  When a service fails to start or if the giomgr fails to cough up a gsrvr, a brief description of the problem and an error code will appear in this file.  Have a look at this link describing ArcSDE error return codes.

Return codes


This contains connection information and info on specific commands and reports errors in connection initialization.  Much like the service log, this will report back what’s happening during a direct connection.

    Tip:  If you have an etc directory in your ArcGIS installation location, the file is written there. If you have neither an SDEHOME variable or etc directory, the log files are written to the temp directory.

ArcSDE User Permissions ESRI 10.2

The SDE user is responsible for several geodatabase maintenance tasks including compression and version management among others.  The SDE user also owns the geodatabase system tables, triggers and procedures.   The DBMS privileges necessary to manage and alter the geodatabase are granted to the SDE user upon creation of the geodatabase during the post installation process.  Therefore it is absolutely unnecessary to grant every permission and add the SDE user to every admin role.  Sometimes it can even have an adverse effect on performance an usability.  The SDE user will only need membership in the Public role.

It is recommended that the ArcSDE administrator and its schema only be used to manage and store ArcSDE system tables. You should create separate user schemas in which to store your ArcSDE data objects, such as feature classes and raster datasets. You should not store these objects in the ArcSDE administrator’s storage space, since you could possibly crash the ArcSDE service by filling up the ArcSDE administrator’s space. Following the practice of storing only system tables in the ArcSDE administrator’s storage space simplifies the management of ArcSDE.

Another good idea is to create a user with the necessary privileges to create and upgrade geodatabases.  Like the SDE user, this account should not be used to create data.

    User privileges for geodatabases in Oracle
    User privileges for geodatabases in SQL Server
    User privileges for geodatabases in PostgreSQL

Basically, SYSADMIN or SERVERADMIN or GRANT DBA TO SDE sound really cool and powerful, it is 100% not necessary.  I ask for just a little faith in the trusty old post-install wizard.  Faith that it will grow your SDE user and make it the best little geodatabase administrator it can be.

ArcSDE Connection Errors 

The link here will provide you detailed information about all the errors in ArcSDE and the important one's are given below :

"SDE not running on server"

If a service is your preferred connection method, you may be familiar with this error.

This simply means that the ArcSDE service has not been started (or has stopped).  Check the Connection Properties dialog  and make sure the correct service name or port number is specified properly.  If you’re confident this right, you can check the status of the service one of two ways.  For Windows users, open the service panel by right clicking on My Computer and clicking Manage (or click Run>services.msc).  If the service is not started, click start and check.

Linux users will prefer to use the SDE command sdeservice -o list.    The -i parameter can be used to specify a particular service.  If the status returns NOT_STARTED, use the sdemon -o start command to fire it up.

SDE Command Reference

“Server library could not be loaded”

The Desktop 10 help states that “This message is usually returned when SDEHOME is set incorrectly in your system path variable or as its own environment variable”.  This reason is certainly valid and common, but it’s usually the direct connect syntax.  Ensure the server name is spelled right and the direct connect string follows the specified standards for you DBMS.

About the path….

A good tip is to check the path variable (in a command prompt type path).   Ensure the SDEHOME path is correct and is also the first entry in the series of paths.   Also, look at the actual %SDEHOME% variable.  Look for extra slashes or backwards slashes.  Forward slashes that should be back slashes or vice versa.  There is also the ever elusive semicolon.

“Bad user login”

This isn’t always as simple as it seems.  However, it usually means the user name or password was entered incorrectly.  If you’re sure everything is typed right……..

    Check what ArcSDE instance was specified for the connection. If the wrong ArcSDE service, direct connection syntax, or database name was supplied, authentication is occurring against another database or server, which may not have this user in it.
    If you are using operating system authentication, be sure the login is recognized by the DBMS.
    If you are connecting to a geodatabase in SQL Server, check to see if the complex password policy is set in the SQL Server database. If so, be sure the user’s password meets the requirements of the password policy. If it does not, the user cannot connect to the database.

If a service or direct connection on either OS fails to start manually, it may be a good time to call Esri support.  Be sure to note any error messages and navigate to the SDEHOME\etc folder and copy out the log files.  If you’re feeling adventurous, look at the log files, note down the errors and look up the return codes.  It sometimes takes a little deciphering but the info needed to solve the problem is out there.

How to Synchronize users in bulk to a newly created geodatabase in SQL Server

There is often the need to create or restore a geodatabase in SQL Server, whether it is for testing or a new production database.  Using the sp_change_users_login procedure works well to synchronize one or two users.  When there are a lot more, this method may not be the best way to go.

Follow these simple steps to synchronize your users in bulk:

In SQL Server Management Studio:

    Right click on the original database > Tasks > Generate Scripts.
    You only want to sync users so only check ‘Users’ in the Choose Specific Objects section.
    The Set Scripting Options section allows you to specify where you want to save the SQL output.  In most cases I send it to the clipboard.
    Click next a few times and then finish.
    Open a new query window and paste (or load) in your newly generated SQL script.  You will need to change the USE [‘original_db_name’] at the top to match the new database you want to sync the users to.
    Execute the script.
    Now make some test connections as the newly synchronized users .
Problem:  Poor compress performance

A guide to geodatabase replication (Distributed Geodatabase)

Creating a replica is a great way to share a part or all of your geodatabase with other users.  A replica can be more than just a copy of your geodatabase, it is essentially a version of your geodatabase with the ability to synchronize changes.  This needs to be well planned and managed as it can get complicated, especially in a disconnected environment.

Here are a few things to think about before you create a replica:

    Plan carefully which data needs to be replicated, does it participate in advanced geodatabase functionality such as geometric networks and topology?  Should supporting data be replicated as well?  Try to make your replica future proof if possible so you don’t have to recreate it too often.

    Do you need to synchronize in both directions or will 1 way be enough?

    If you plan on having a large amount of data in your replica, consider exporting and loading the data into your child geodatabase before you create the replica.  Then create a replica with the option to register existing data only.  This means you will only have to synchronize small amounts of data.  I recommend this because there is always the possibility of corruption when sending large amounts of data over a network, especially if it is over the internet.

    A two way replica is only available when both geodatabase are ArcSDE geodatabases. The data must also be registered as versioned without the option to move edits to base.

    All replicated data must have a Global ID column.  This can be created using the ‘Add Global ID’s’ tool.  If you plan to use the register existing data only option, you should give the data Global ID’s before copying it to the other geodatabase.

There are many ways to distribute your geodatabase, from a check out replica with a local file geodatabase up to a full complex two way disconnected replica. Depending on your requirements, you can even use ArcGIS Server and then create a replica from your ArcGIS Server service.  This is a subject for the future.

Here is a good starting point from the Esri Resource Center to help you learn more about creating replicas:

Working with geodatabase replicas

Useful Resources for Rebuilding Indexes and Updating Statistics in an SDE Geodatabase for SQL Server and ORACLE :

Two tasks found in all Esri supported RDBMS’ are updating DBMS statistics and rebuilding indexes. If you are loading data in bulk or running query intensive DML operations with SQL these tasks will need to be done often. Fortunately for us, these are relatively straightforward to accomplish.

The scripts found here provide the SQL to both update statistics and rebuild indexes. Oracle databases should be set to automatically update stats. The Sql Server script is still applicable for geodatabases in Sql Server 2008, 2008R2 and 2012 even though it says Sql Server 2000/2005.

Also, if you are using ArcGIS 10.1 there are some new geoprocessing tools that can do this.
ArcGIS 10.1 – ArcToolBox:

Data Management Tools>Geodatabase Administration>Analyze Datasets

Updates database statistics of base tables, delta tables, and archive tables, along with the statistics on those tables’ indexes. This tool is used in enterprise geodatabases to help get optimal performance from the RDBMS’s query optimizer. Stale statistics can lead to poor geodatabase performance.

Data Management Tools>Geodatabase Administration>Rebuild Indexes:

Updates indexes of datasets and system tables stored in an enterprise geodatabase. This tool is used in enterprise geodatabases to rebuild existing attribute or spatial indexes. Out-of-date indexes can lead to poor geodatabase performance.

No matter which one you choose, these resources can be run as automated tasks as SQL or the ArcToolBox tools can be exported to Python and automated as well. Either way, do it.




I will show you how to setup an sdeintercept for analyzing the various issues,

1. Be sure to shut down ArcMap or ArcCatalog if you have it open.

2. Setting the trace can be done by adding an environment variable to the system Environment Variables or via command line. Please note that adding the variable to the system will continue to trace until it is removed. Once you’re done with the trace, remove the variable to prevent your system from filling up with these files. Also, setting this by command line only remains for the duration of the CMD session.

3. Set the Windows system variables:

In the Start menu, right click Computer and choose Properties.

Under System variables choose new. Add the following:

    Variable name: SDEINTERCEPT

    Variable Value: crwTf

The capital “T” in this value will write the full Hour, minute, second and millisecond for each command recorded.

Create another System variable and fill in the following:

    Variable name: SDEINTERCEPTLOC

    Variable Value: C:\TEMP\client_intercept

The path to the file can be anywhere you choose but make sure you provide a file name. The file name can be named anything also but do not provide a file extension.

Here is an example of setting this via command prompt:

    set SDEINTERCEPT=crwtf

    set SDEINTERCEPTLOC=C:\temp\slow_connection_intercept

Now, restart ArcGIS and make a connection to a geodatabase. You should see the file created in the SDEINTERCEPTLOC defined with numeric file extensions.

For each connection and ArcGIS session, there will be two files created. This is normal. The file with the larger size received the last command and this should be the one to diagnose.

Its done. Very simple !

Thank YOu and happy blogging!



How to create a Batch File for SDE Intercept and read the SDE intercepts.

1.  Open your notepad and paste this:

set SDEINTERCEPTLOC=C:\TEMP\client_Intercept
@echo off
start /d "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\bin\" Arcmap.exe

Please make sure you have the path to your temp folder (to contain the trace) and the path to ArcMap are correct.

2.  Save the file with the .bat extension.


3.  Run the batch file.

In this example, the SDEINTERCEPT and SDEINTERCEPTLOC environment variables are set for the current sesssion and ArcMap is launched.  Make a connection to an SDE geodatabase and the client_intercept files should appear in the SDEINTERCEPTLOC you specified.


Monday, 3 August 2015

How to create a geodatabase from post installation wizard in ArcSDE 9.3 geodatabase ARCGIS ARCSDE ESRI and using post installation wizard to create SDE user and setup repository?
How to check the version and build number of ArcMap/ArcCatalog?

How to check the version of ArcSDE software installed on your machine?

How to upgrade an ArcSDE Oracle geodatabase?
How to Compress an Oracle ArcSDE geodatabase?

How to create an ArcSDE Oracle geodatabase ?

Part 1

Part 2

How to Perform a non versioned editing in Arc Map ?
How to Perform a versioned editing in Arc Map ?


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

HowTo:  Substitute ArcSDE environment variables for command line options

HowTo:  Deny server logons while still allowing ArcSDE users to log in
HowTo:  Create a batch file to manage 2 ArcSDE instances installed on the same Windows server
HowTo:  Install ArcSDE on a machine that is remote from the Oracle RDBMS

HowTo:  Disable autoregistration of Oracle Spatial tables
HowTo:  Manage orphaned ArcIMS/ArcSDE gsrvr processes

Error:  Failed to delete a domain from the database
HowTo:  Check which ArcSDE edition is in use
HowTo:  Create an Oracle View of an Oracle Spatial layer, containing multiple geometry columns, and register it with ArcSDE
HowTo:  Backup and restore the multiple database model for SQL Server
Bug:  Cannot use ArcCatalog to revoke all raster privileges
HowTo:  Check TCP/IP services file configuration of the ArcSDE application server
HowTo:  Add a feature class to a one-way or two-way replica
HowTo:  Diagnose ArcSDE connection and performance issues using SDEINTERCEPT

HowTo:  Obtain a listing of user processes and locks from a geodatabase when there is no ArcSDE service
Error: sdemon: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
HowTo:  Disable Unicode storage in an ArcSDE for Oracle geodatabase
Problem:  Backing up and restoring geodatabases in PostgreSQL 8.3.0 may cause errors
HowTo:  Print the list of feature classes for an ArcSDE geodatabase
Bug:  NIM078808: Compress_log table can be seen in the database connection after compressing the database

HowTo:  Restore a DB2 9.1 database to a 9.7 instance and then run db2se to upgrade the DB2 Spatial Extender
HowTo:  Rename an Address Locator after it is orphaned from the geodatabase
HowTo:  Remove orphaned objects (feature classes) from a geodatabase
Error:  Failed to compress the database. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'compress_id', table 'SDE.dbo.SDE_compress_log'; column does not allow nulls
HowTo:  Configure the Oracle Instant Client to make Database Authentication and Operating System Authentication connections using ArcGIS Desktop
HowTo:  Create a new ArcSDE layer using shp2sde
FAQ:  Is the '-x' option needed when creating or registering Oracle Spatial data using ArcSDE tools?
FAQ:  Why are polygon features grouped into multi-line string features by the ArcSDE sdegroup command?
Error:  $SDEHOME/bin/sdetable -o create -t... Error produced by a sderaster core dump
FAQ:  Why is the result of translating a shapefile boolean field into ArcSDE using ArcCatalog different than the shp2sde Admin command?
FAQ:  Can ArcSDE command line tools be used to load data into a Feature Dataset?

HowTo:  Enable ArcGIS 9.0 to recognize new images loaded into a raster catalog using the sderaster command
Bug:  sdeimport -o update_else_insert fails after an sdeimport -o delete
Bug:  ArcSDE views created using sdetable -o create_view do not maintain -w clause definitions when attempting to view and query the layer
FAQ:  Do direct connections count against the CONNECTIONS parameter in the server_config table for ArcSDE?
Bug:  sdeimport -o append fails on ArcSDE 9.0 SP3 for Informix
FAQ:  Can I load UTF-8 shapefiles into an ArcSDE geodatabase using shp2sde?
FAQ:  Why did the values of the objectid field change when I used shp2sde -o create to import a shapefile to a geodatabase feature class?
FAQ:  Why did the values of the objectid field change when I used shp2sde -o create to import a shapefile to a geodatabase feature class?
Error:  Errors when creating or deleting Oracle user schema geodatabases
 Problem:  ArcGIS Server features are not aligning with maps in Google Maps or Microsoft Virtual Earth
Error:  ArcGIS Server Site is not configured. Code: 500
Problem:  Geodatabase upgrade fails with "Could not update server tables and stored procedures. Error (-238)"
HowTo:  Determine if there are orphaned replica system versions in the geodatabase
HowTo:  Rename an Address Locator after it is orphaned from the geodatabase

Monday, 20 July 2015

Knowledge Base - Technical Articles HowTo: Install and activate ArcGIS for Desktop evaluation

ArcGIS for Server 10.1

Understanding architecture, deployment, and workflows
Error:  gsrvr.exe - Application Error: The application failed to initialize properly

Article ID:    23953
Software:     ArcSDE 8.1, 8.3, 8.1.2, 8.2, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.3.1
Platforms:     Windows NT 4.0, 2000, 2003Server
Error Message

After making several connections to an ArcSDE service, the connection hangs and a gsrvr.exe crash appears on the ArcSDE server. Querying the arcsde service with sdemon -o status hangs. Existing connections continue to function and new connections made by way of direct connect work. Any new application server connections hang and more gsrvr.exe application errors may appear on the server.

"gsrvr.exe - Application Error: The application failed to initialize properly"


Windows has exhausted its 'non-interactive desktop heap'.

The ArcSDE application server, the giomgr, runs as a service on Windows and spawns windows child processes, called gsrvrs. All windows processes run within a desktop, a logical display and container for icons, windows, and threads.

There are two kinds of desktops: interactive and non-interactive. Desktops operate within window stations. Windows services, depending on how they start, usually allocate from the non-interactive desktop heap. The maximum amount of heap memory allocated to noninteractive desktops is limited by a Windows initialization parameter called SharedSection. If you receive the above error message, you may need to change the SharedSection parameter.

A service cannot use more memory than allocated from its non-interactive desktop. When a service exhausts its non-interactive desktop heap, it is unable to create new threads or processes.

When an ArcSDE client connects to an ArcSDE server, that server spawns a gsrvr.exe process. This gsrvr.exe process consumes a small amount of the desktop heap allocated to the ArcSDE service.

If the ArcSDE service starts as a domain account, the gsrvr.exe allocates from the desktop, a non-interactive desktop heap of 512 KB, created for the ArcSDE service.

If the ArcSDE service starts as the LocalSystem account, the gsrvr.exe allocates from the shared desktop, a non-interactive desktop heap of 512 KB, pertaining to all services running as LocalSystem.

If the ArcSDE service starts as the LocalSystem account with 'Allow service to interact with the desktop' enabled, gsrvr.exe allocates from the default desktop an interactive desktop heap of 3 MB.

The size of the interactive and non-interactive desktop heaps is determined by a registry setting under \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems.

Within the 'Windows' string value, there is a 'SharedSection' parameter that by default should read:


The second and third parameters represent the size of the interactive and non-interactive desktop heaps. If terminal services are enabled, a fourth value may be present in this string. Windows enforces a 48 MB maximum desktop memory limit for all desktops. Windows also uses some of this 48 MB pool for its default window station, screensaver, and logon screen. The size of either of these two parameters can be changed to influence the size of the interactive and non-interactive desktop heaps.

Boosting SharedSection’s third parameter limits the total number of desktops that Windows can create, as each non-interactive desktop is larger, thus using more of the global 48 MB pool. However, each service has more memory available to it. Decreasing SharedSection’s third parameter increases the number of desktops Windows can create but decreases the amount of memory each desktop can consume. For example, increasing the third parameter of SharedSection to 2 MB tells Windows to allocate 2 MB to each new non-interactive desktop. Each service that starts up as a domain account receives a new non-interactive desktop of 2 MB. Each service that starts up as the LocalSystem account allocates from the existing 2 MB system non-interactive desktop. In this case, if the server has more than 20 services configured to start up as a domain account, service startup problems may be experienced after the 20th service is initiated. When the 20th service starts, the global 48 MB limit is close to exhaustion.

Each ArcSDE gsrvr.exe consumes approximately 9 KB of memory from the desktop in which it starts. This figure, 9 KB, is only an approximation. It may differ by platform and load. If the default configuration of the ArcSDE instance and the ArcSDE Windows service has not been changed, approximately 55-64 gsrvrs (ArcSDE client connections) can be created before the error occurs. This number also differs if Windows authentication with ArcSDE for MS SQL Server is used.

Solution or Workaround

The solution depends on the ArcSDE platform. Step 1 is applicable to all ArcSDE RDBMS types. Step 2 is applicable to SQL Server sites only. Step 3 is applicable to sites using terminal services on their sde server. All three of these steps pertain only to Windows platforms.

There is currently no method to determine how much memory is in use by a single desktop or how much is left within the global pool. Use oh.exe, a Windows resource kit tool, to monitor how many desktops are in use.

Estimate the number of gsrvrs needed. For clients like ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcExplorer, a gsrvr is usually a single ArcSDE connection. For ArcIMS, the number of gsrvrs depends on the service type. Assuming two virtual server threads per spatial server machine CPU, follow this general formula:

(2 image service threads * total CPUs) + (number of query server threads)

For example: (2 * 8) + 8 = 24 gsrvrs

This recommendation also assumes the use of an image and query service, and all AXLs connect as the same user and database to the ArcSDE server. If different databases or users are referenced in the AXLs, then the formula becomes:

(#databases * #mapservice threads)+ (#dbs*#queryservices)

If the number of gsrvrs exceeds 55-64, the maxconnections setting of ArcSDE, consider either changing some of these connections to direct connect or boost the 3rd SharedSection parameter in the registry. As direct connect runs as a thread within the client process, no desktop is allocated to it on the ArcSDE server. To change the SharedSection, find the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems key in the registry and edit the Windows string value. Locate the 'SharedSection' string and boost its third value from 512 to 1024. This doubles the amount of gsrvrs the ArcSDE service can spawn.


The server must be rebooted once SharedSection is changed.
SQL Server sites using Windows authentication for their ArcSDE connections.

Users connecting to ArcSDE services with Windows authentication may experience different connection behavior. When the ArcSDE application server spawns a gsrvr from a Windows authenticated connection, that gsrvr does not allocate from the same desktop as the app server process, the giomgr.exe, but receives its own desktop (non-interactive) of 512 KB.

Multiple Windows authenticated connections from the same machine allocate from the same desktop, but connections from different machines allocate from new desktops. If operating exclusively in Windows authentication mode, more ArcSDE connections may be serviced by reducing the size of both the interactive and non-interactive desktop heap instead of boosting it as mentioned above.

This connection behavior will change in future releases of ArcSDE for MS SQL Server.
Sites that have terminal services or Citrix deployed on their ArcSDE server.

Terminal services reduce the desktop global memory pool from 48 MB to 20 MB. This means that fewer total desktops are created. If operating in this environment, the third parameter of SharedSection can be increased, but use caution with the number of different non-localsystem services created. Remember, whenever a non-localsystem service starts, it allocates memory from the global memory pool to a new desktop.

It is not recommended that SQL Server sites use terminal services with Windows authenticated ArcSDE connections. If this configuration must be run and difficulties are experienced supporting enough ArcSDE connections, allowing the ArcSDE service to interact with the desktop may solve the problem. In this case, do not change any of the SharedSection parameters.

List of Bugs(NIM)

 ArcGIS Desktop
        NIM052715 - The FGDC metadata standard must be maintained as an option in ArcGIS Desktop for version 10. The minimum requirement is the ability to export metadata to this format.
        NIM056676 - Records with Null or empty string values do not export when using the Export Feature Attribute to ASCII tool.
        NIM056677 - Change parameter name from Output Ascii File to Output ASCII File.
        NIM056682 - Improve error message for Export Feature Attribute to ASCII when Event Layers are used as input. Inform user that Event Layers do not have OIDs and cannot be used as input.
        NIM056812 -Links to code files for related samples in VS2010 component help have no spaces between them.
        NIM056813 - VS2010 help links to OMDs from the help fail.
        NIM056814 - VS2010 help opens links to sections of topics in new tab when viewed in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
        NIM056823 - Getting error "'NoneType' object has no attribute" when running imported tools multiple times in one session.
        NIM057577 - The "Add ArcGIS Toolbox Reference" dialog does not add the required reference for Custom Toolbox in ArcGIS 10.
        NIM057586 - Create an ArcCatalog extension Add-in ("Auto-load", "Show in Extension Manager") using the Desktop Add-ins template, the extension is not automatically loaded and the OnStartUp() event is not fired when ArcCatalog is started.
        NIM058294 - "NONE" workspace_type parameter for replaceDataSource method not available.
        NIM058774 - ArcSDE geodatabase upgrade for Oracle fails if the Geoprocessing upgrade script is executed from a Linux platform. Please see Technical Article 37974 for more details.
        NIM058978 - Fail to compile when addin dll is referenced in a VB Net Windows Application created by Extending Objects Template.
        NIM059275 - ArcGIS Web Controls for AGS 10 do not get listed in the Toolbox list in Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express edition.
        NIM059610 - Update Geostatistical Wizard help in ga_wizard.xml.
        NIM060031 - should default to "DATA" for the DATA/NODATA option (to be consistent with gp tool).
        NIM060040 - Update locator style properties to support single-line batch geocoding and add more aliases.
        NIM060071 - Default view of metadata must always show ArcGIS metadata content since this level of information is always automatically upgraded by the editor and available in the ArcGIS metadata elements. Showing a mixture of original FGDC and ESRI-ISO content and new ArcGIS content is causing confusion.
        NIM060093 - Update defense style files with the following changes: Additional marker symbols to support additional affiliations for military features. Additional marker symbols to support 2525B Modifications to existing representation rules.
        NIM060185 - VS2010 .NET Snippets links are broken.
        NIM060188 - VS2010 help at 10 is out of date.
        NIM060189 - VS2010 view code pages missing line breaks.
        NIM060284 - The Point class constructor arguments m and z are reversed.
        NIM060428 - Desktop Help 10.0 SP1 updates.
        NIM060435 - arcpy.mapping - ExportToPDF, ExportToEPS, and DataDrivenPages.exportToPDF - image_compression needs to default to "Adaptive". Also, add "JPEG" option and control for JPEG quality.
        NIM060492 - Update ArcPress driver auto-selection to recognize Fall 2010 HP Designjet printers.
        NIM060563 - Update ArcGIS Server .NET Help for 10.0 SP1.
        NIM060564 - Update ArcGIS Server Java Help for 10.0 SP1.
        NIM060565 - Update ArcIMS Web Manager Java Help for 10.0 SP1.
        NIM060587 - KFunction: Get around ArcInfo license requirement for User Provided Study Area option.
        NIM060588 - Inclusion of dependent variable name in the OLS summary report to simplify interpretation.
        NIM060589 - Incorrect error returned on Unix for case with 3 points, 2 coincident.
        NIM060590 - Compute both AIC and AICc for OLS.
        NIM060591 - Command line keyword for report creation is switched. Tool functions correctly, but the command line says no report when the user selected to create a report.
        NIM060592 - OLS is not handling NaN values properly. The tool is not solving for specific datasets with strong multicollinearity.
        NIM060593 - Add parameter to allow users to add a header to their output text file. Header contains the name of each of the variables included in the output text file, and allows the user to open the text file and display in ArcMap without any editing.
        NIM060595 - AsShape, add support for MultiPolygon type.
        NIM060628 - Can't import from arcpy.ddd or arcpy.conversion. Both fail with an AttributeError.
        NIM060637 - Administering_arcgis_desktop.chm needs to be pulled for SP1 because 3 topics were updated.
        NIM060652 - Missing add-in schema file (.xsd) when installing IDE integration with VS Express edition.
        NIM060713 - When exporting metadata from ArcGIS to ISO 19139 that contains units describing the values in an image band, the exported XML document won't validate successfully using the ISO 19139 XML Schemas.
        NIM060714 - The ArcGIS metadata editor and the ESRI Metadata Translator tool were using different elements to record data quality report information. As a result, content typed in the editor would not successfully export to ISO 19139 format.
        NIM060715 - Upgrade FGDC metadata to ArcGIS format, result in duplicated original keywords added to search tags.
        NIM060720 - Automatic upgrade of ESRI-ISO metadata performed by the metadata editor isn't correctly upgrading some elements.
        NIM060735 - With data quality report information specified, information following that section is displayed with successively smaller and smaller fonts as you scroll down the page until the text is tiny.
        NIM060809 - Convert tool is not able to convert from exploded mixed caches to compact mixed caches successfully.
        NIM060901 - arcpy.mapping.AnalyzeForMSD crashes when you don't assign the returned python dictionary.
        NIM060903 - Layer.longName does not report full path if layer is referenced using the dataframe as a parameter.
        NIM061528 - Use 7-Zip for compressing packages on Linux.
        NIM032592 - Exporting textured multipatch to VRML crashes ArcScene.
        NIM060239 - The Measure Height Tool (in Scene and Globe) will not measure downwards.
        NIM060674 - The Export to COLLADA tool incorrectly uses the regional settings for the decimal separator character when generating output files.
        NIM058984 - LineOfSight tool creates incorrect output with input data on different spatial reference.
        NIM058985 - Skyline runs incorrectly when more than one Multipatch layers are added.
        NIM060335 - PolygonVolume fails to report correct volume and area values when input surface is a Delaunay Constrained TIN.
        NIM060343 - SurfaceDifference tool's raster output maintains extent of the first surface instead of the intersection of input surfaces.
        NIM060669 - Some 3D GP tools are not honoring negative z factor.
        NIM060755 - LocateOutliers: Comparison filter does not work because exceed tolerance ratio is evaluated as an integer.
        NIM060704 - Symbol editor does not appear when clicking a symbol in the TOC.
        NIM060693 - Disappearing editing feedback when using symbolize points.
        NIM060705 - Wrong dialog is being displayed for "3D Editor --> Move" function.
        NIM060729 - Wrong feedback size for new point features.
        NIM041915 - Some 931-SDE feature classes with Z values do not display in ArcScene (931SP2 and 10.0).
        NIM058005 - Layer does not display when using a custom simple line symbol in ArcScene.
        NIM060245 - Measure tool: Add ability to press ENTER to finish the measure sketch.
        NIM060246 - Add detection ability to Measure Feature tool to highlight (flash) the feature clicked.
        NIM060709 - Selection feedback location of 3D points rendered using attribute-based heights is incorrect.
        NIM060493 - Include ArcPress support for the HP Designjet Fall 2010 series printers.
        NIM048668 - When using Maplex labeling, labels (points) do not show up in the map during an edit session.
        NIM048931 - PE selection has issues when trying to only select the last parcel in the windows list.
        NIM057812 - Copy/Paste a Parcel Fabric results in <null> shapes
        NIM058082 - Some database platforms store field names in uppercase, causing templates to fail to set values.
        NIM058083 - Parcel Select tool does not abide by reference scale visibility.
        NIM058084 - COGO importer fails to create part-connections in the same fashion as the TOPO loader.
        NIM058175 - Need the ability to join to parcels that are independent layers (.lyr files outside the Parcel Fabric composite layer).
        NIM060383 - Importer creates a null geometry with referenced data.
        NIM060386 - Part connector fails part creation in construction.
        NIM060387 - ArcLength/Delta need to be recomputed when a breakline by proportional of remaining distance is used on a parent parcel curve.
        NIM060388 - When there is a CP on a floating point, join doesn't work right. Finish job has 0 for geometry of the joined parcel.
        NIM060391 - Data errors reported after GP Loader inconsistency with core Cadastral Importer.
        NIM060393 - Error when attempting to open or extract a parcel.
        NIM060399 - Parcel Namer tool does not work on unjoined groups.
        NIM060418 - When copying and pasting data that has COGO attributes, unexpected geometry may result.
        NIM060636 - When a new in group is performed and the construction is saved, upon reopen all the parcels are mangled.
        NIM060648 - Version 1 constructions are not properly supported at 10.0.
        NIM060706 - Auto-Joining fails to create line-point links when lines are very close together.
        NIM003395 - IGxDialog::DoModalSave() doesn't always ask user for permission to overwrite when existing personal geodatabase is chosen.
        NIM005745 - ArcCatalog hides ArcGlobe Documents, or display them as Folders, if the folder they are in contains a file with no extension and the folder includes a DBF or SXD file.
        NIM053826 - Renaming a folder connection or including the drive path with a backslash (\) and colon (:) in ArcCatalog results in an error.
        NIM056939 - ArcCatalog should not allow users to type in double quotes in the Field Alias for a FeatureClass.
        NIM058569 - Joins not maintained after resourcing data in the Catalog > Set Data Source tool. However, relates are maintained.
        NIM060733 - <i18n> Drag and drop .mxd/lyr from Catalog to ArcMap failed with error message.
        NIM058485 - Cannot add a field in a newly created DBF in ArcCatalog.
        NIM057558 - Updates to Spatial Reference page.
        NIM058266 - Can't view metadata for read-only items in an ArcSDE geodatabase. IMetadataEdit::CanEditMetadata must return a Boolean FALSE instead of a custom error code (FDO_E_NO_PERMISSION) for the metadata display to work.
        NIM059454 - Include Access and use limitations text box on Item Description page in editor to correspond with the information available with ArcGIS Online.
        NIM060678 - On the Resource Details page, a units dropdown list is missing in connection with the Distance Resolution element.
        NIM060679 - On the Content page in the ArcGIS metadata editor, content provided in the Feature Catalogue Language element won't save.
        NIM060680 - On the Distribution page in the ArcGIS metadata editor, content provided in the Offline Medium Name element won't save.
        NIM060681 - In the ArcGIS metadata editor's Fields page, several updates are needed to make it easier to work with and to ensure the XML elements written by the page are correct.
        NIM060682 - If you select the Service Details page in the ArcGIS metadata editor when using the INSPIRE metadata style, a default Service Coupling Type code is added to the metadata automatically even if you don't provide any content on the page.
        NIM060683 - NAP-specific codelist codes are not available in the ArcGIS metadata editor when using the North American Profile metadata style.
        NIM060779 - Deleting some dates in the metadata editor crashes the host application.
        NIM057470 - Buttons that open metadata geoprocessing tools show a red X with error 000732 for either the Source Metadata or Target Metadata parameter when the selected item is in a geodatabase.
        NIM060780 - Update ArcGIS metadata editor to better handle NAP-specific content.
        ArcGIS Controls:
        NIM058243 - The map control application crashes when the vertex of Callout is moved using ControlSelectToolClass when the tool is created without passing in a ToolbarControl.
        NIM059342 - <l10n> Buttons on the measure tool are mirrored.
        NIM059873 - Adding a stand alone personal geodatabase table using the out-of-the-box 'Add data' tool in an ArcEngine 10 application causes an exception.
        NIM060466 - The following three Engine Editing command dialogs do not display correctly and application crashes.
        - ControlsEditingSketchAbsoluteXYCommand
        - ControlsEditingSketchDeltaXYCommand
        - ControlsEditingSketchDirectionLengthCommand
        NIM060562 - Provide Packaging download and unpack support.
        NIM060814 - <i18N>: RTL Mixed ticks in the Snapping Settings dialog box.
        NIM058221 - Driving directions are not localized in Find Route.
        NIM059735 - Find Route dialog: the address locator used to provide addresses for locations not persisting correctly.
        NIM059736 - If the Data Frame has an Unknown coordinate system, the find route button produces the following error when saving stops to a shapefile, "Required shape column is missing. Insufficient stops table. Required attribute not found."
        NIM059737 - The address locator in Find Route is no longer selected based on the locale.
        NIM058987 - Engine Customize Dialog does not show up correctly using a Japanese OS.
        NIM008725 - ToolbarControl does not organise and manage commands in a right-to-left mode.
        NIM059289 - An AutoCAD r2007 drawing file displays hundreds of non-existent black lines when brought into ArcMap. These are also converted to a geodatabase when imported with CAD to Geodatabase.
        NIM059393 - FD: Double-clicking on a Microstation DGN file in the Add Data dialog box crashes ArcMap with a "Serious Application Error".
        NIM059426 - Zooming to a layer on a CAD layer that has a world file does not respect the world file coordinates. This shortcut menu "Zoom to Layer" is not reading the CAD World file.
        NIM060696 - FD: Microstation File crashes ArcMap when expanded in ArcCatalog window.
        NIM056708 - ArcCatalog does not refresh properly when you drag a CAD file into another folder.
        NIM041309 - Add SIMILAR TO predicate support to the File Geodatabase SQL implementation.
        NIM055170 - Prevent users from creating a feature-linked geodatabase annotation class for a feature class owned by a different user.
        NIM059565 - ArcMap crashes during reconcile of a particular child version due to exhausted memory.
        NIM060618 - State id's are not being assigned correctly when grandchild versions and greatgrandchild versions are deleted and new versions are created with the same names.
        NIM058942 - Need to guarantee the database ID can be found if the connection has a blank server property.
        NIM040134 - Geodatabase raster with colormap appear pixelated when opening a saved MXD when using Bilinear Interpolation for Resampling during display.
        NIM057104 - Building pyramids for certain large Imagine file produces incorrect pyramids.
        NIM057405 - Under European locale, the footprint and image are not aligned in a mosaic dataset.
        NIM057695 - The projection engine in the WCS client is unable to interpret NAD3 correctly in WCS 1.1.0 and 1.1.1, resulting in an incorrect BoundingBox, unsupported URN convention, and the inability to pass the EPSG factory code.
        NIM057879 - Renaming an ArcSDE raster dataset with a multibyte character name such as Japanese or Chinese fails.
        NIM058299 - After opening the Raster function Properties dialog box with the localized version of ArcGIS Desktop, the color ramp drop down list of the shaded relief raster function is empty.
        NIM058325 - Generate exclude area layer from raster dataset can crash the application.
        NIM058922 - Using a comma delimited regional setting causes problems when displaying certain TIFF images in ArcGIS 10.
        NIM059086 - ArcGIS 10 is not reading certain tiff images correctly.
        NIM059231 - Using inside with the Clip function calculates an incorrect extent and the output is not what is expected.
        NIM059379 - The unit of the projection has changed from feet to meters for TIFF images.
        NIM059445 - Histograms should not flip and it is unreadable in RTL environment.
        NIM059471 - The repair dialog is not able to return all paths when the Mosaic Dataset has more than 100 unique paths.
        NIM059472 - All multispectral templates becomes uneditable irrespective of the raster types, only the stretch parameters can be changed.
        NIM059516 - WCS Time request failed for service with only the start field, and the start field is a date type in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.
        NIM059616 - Loading raster to a newly created raster field in a feature class crashes ArcMap.
        NIM059623 - Adding a FGDB raster datasets to MD construct results in an incorrect path to the source data.
        NIM059624 - ESRI pansharpen method doesn't display well on rotated data frame.
        NIM059625 - Average elevation as retrieved from metadata can be different between pan and multi image which results in poor pan-sharpen results.
        NIM059670 - Trying to edit spatial reference of a NITF with no image segment crashes ArcMap/ArcCatalog.
        NIM059671 - Cannot add NSIF to mosaic dataset using NITF raster type.
        NIM059676 - Define overviews tool incorrectly computes cell size ranges of overview items for some data (MinPS > MaxPS).
        NIM059680 - View privilege of referenced mosaic dataset in ArcSDE is not handled properly.
        NIM059681 - Dataset persists statistics when enabling dynamic range adjustment with acceleration.
        NIM059705 - Cannot shrink footprints when trying to reset footprints of a mosaic dataset.
        NIM059816 - Download data from Quickbird/WorldView mosaic dataset does not download all the necessary files.
        NIM059867 - When recomputing footprints for a table-based raster type containing ortho in the function chain, the footprints disappear.
        NIM059869 - When running the build footprints tools on imagery containing a range of pixel values to be ignored (typically –compressed imagery), the output footprints generated are self intersecting and invalidates the MD, causing all other operations after the build footprint to fail (including build boundary).
        NIM059871 - The 'Save as' button for table-based raster types, does not save the field names, or raster type template properties - reverts back to default.
        NIM059872 - Editing and saving a color ramp as a new color ramp (through the shaded relief function UI), persists the changes, but the ramp name is not persisted, and it defaults back to the original color ramp name.
        NIM059880 - Table-based raster types with RPDefs cannot be used unless the input is a feature class or the rpdef contains a valid gml.
        NIM059944 - Setting the LZ77 compression type for Tiff format output in the environment setting results in a non-compressed image.
        NIM059948 - Browsing rasters in a folder with many subfolders in Catalog Window or ArcCatalog is very slow.
        NIM060025 - Adding rasters using raster type GeoEye to a mosaic dataset also picks up Ikonos and vice versa.
        NIM060061 - Add raster tool takes long time to load if the raster types history list is long.
        NIM060123 - When pansharpening rasters are using table based raster type, the pansharp raster doesn't get pansharpened; shows the Ms raster only.
        NIM060142 - After synchronising all rasters, the maxps gets reset to 0.
        NIM060403 - When ingesting table based raster types, and applying pansharpening on a raster, the MS function raster works fine but the pansharpened function raster gets incorrectly scaled.
        NIM060500 - [Linux] Open Raster Format GSG/Terragen failed.
        NIM060557 - [Linux] Python crash when run the synchronize mosaic dataset tool and set the sync mode to "SYNC_ALL."
        NIM060575 - Cannot populate broken paths of gdb raster dataset from mosaic dataset when the GDB is moved.
        NIM060655 - Cannot export correct raster dataset paths from a broken file geodatabase raster catalog.
        NIM060671 - The Export Raster Catalog paths GP tool will export paths to broken overview records twice.
        NIM060672 - Build pyramids for raster dataset without skipping the first level.
        NIM060685 - Build overviews on mosaic dataset incorrectly reset nodata values of the mosaic dataset and overviews to 255.
        NIM061178 - Memory leaks when opening mosaic dataset's footprint table for certain raster types, such as NITF.
        NIM060507 - Some raster datasets that contain .aux.xml files generated in 9.3 will recreate .aux.xml unnecessarily once opened in ArcGIS 10.
        NIM053008 - Request that other raster types that use NITF data contain all of the proposed NITF field enhancements for the mosaic dataset.
        NIM057137 - The Repair Mosaic Dataset dialog in ArcMap displays the root path of the computer name you are working on under Old Path. This should be the Path of the of the drive letter instead.
        NIM058164 - The Change Privileges GP tool performance is extremely slow when mosaic datasets contain data.
        NIM059626 - Removing Rasters From Mosaic Dataset GP tool only deletes a maximum of 1000 rasters a time.
        NIM059817 - Applying NDVI arithmetic function raster on landsat 7 ETM+ data results in random nodata pixels which are not in original source data.
        NIM060062 - When importing an ISDef to a Mosaic Dataset, the Add Raster process should not fail or crash if an invalid/unsupported process exists in the ISDef.
        NIM060095 - Modify raster type descriptions to include band and product information.
        NIM060350 - Adding DTED data to a mosaic dataset with overwrite duplicates option on should not check version and edition.
        NIM060476 - Remove Rasters From Mosaic Dataset gp tool does not set boundary geometry to null shape when all rasters have been deleted.
        NIM060719 - Rename a mosaic dataset to include special characters corrupts the mosaic dataset.
        NIM046345 - For Solar Radiation tools, document the reason(s) for different yearly inputs not influencing the outcome of the solar tools.
        NIM060653 - Update error message 10423 description. Spatial Analyst tools required valid input statistics for the raster.
        NIM059097 - Pasting a feature in a layer that does not have a name crashes ArcMap session.
        NIM059192 - The Absolute X, Y dialog now has the option to change the units for the input value. This option must be persisted throughout the edit session.
        NIM059999 - An exception is encountered while using the feature inspector class (the editors attribute property grid) in a separate window from the editors attribute window (the frame and feature tree) in order to edit a feature/row which is supplied independently from the current arcmap selection.
        NIM060184 - Improve template search capabilities to return templates that contain both search terms when multiple terms are entered.
        NIM060099 - Include the English version of esri_csHTML_ArcScan.chm (CS help) into the English core setup. Currently it is the Japanese version.
        NIM058765 - Remote Desktop only - The check boxes in the first page of the 'Create New Templates Wizard' disappear.
        NIM058887 - Organize Feature Templates: Renaming a feature template does not properly refresh the template names when they are automatically re-sorted alphabetically in the Organize Feature Templates window.
        NIM058890 - The enabled logic of the context menu commands for the attributes dialog and the edit sketch properties dialog is not getting applied.
        NIM059147 - Incorrect targets are honored when adding new features with corrupt data present in edit session.
        NIM059248 - At 10.0, when the registry key is set to use the old editing environment ArcScene and ArcGlobe do not support this and are no longer useable.
        NIM059298 - Unplaced Annotation in RTL environment creates artifact.
        NIM059402 - In an Edit Session, populating values using the Attribute window does not work properly when trying to input values for multiple features.
        NIM060573 - The annotation construction window uses the reference scale to display text within it. It should use the display scale to match the wysiwyg display feedback from the construction tool in the map.
        NIM060574 - Clearing the selection after using a tool does not change the current tool, so an error message is displayed unnecessarily.
        NIM060910 - In the Edit Properties, the Snap Symbol sample is not picking up point symbology from subtype correctly.
        NIM059247 - When the text background of the annotation class has a Marker Text Background defined (the interstate shield) and the text inside the symbol is white, the text is not visible in the annotation construction edit box.
        NIM059840 - If one template is returned from a search in the create features window, modifying that template so that it is not returned from the search will crash ArcMap.
        NIM060186 - Rectangle tool does not stop snapping when the spacebar is pressed.
        NIM058892 - Setting the ZSnapSymbol does not change the ZSnapSymbol unless the UseZSnapSymbol reg key is being used.
        NIM058769 - Pressing SHIFT and clicking the highlighted entry in the Attributes window gives error of Encountered an improper argument.
        NIM058886 - Attributes window: ArcMap crashes when pressing SHIFT while clicking the tree when there are uncommitted attribute edits
        NIM058888 - Attributes dialog does not reflect current state of annotation when updated outside dialog.
        NIM060477 - ConstructOffset method is causing representation tools to fail while editing features.
        NIM058889 - Edgematch is not working when the Line method is used with this data.
        NIM057323 - Adjustment Preview window (ArcGIS 10): Navigation tools like Pan and Zoom sometimes work on the main map and not inside the preview window and the window may not refresh correctly.
        NIM058820 - Copying and pasting single or multiple cells from Microsoft Excel to an attribute table in ArcGIS Desktop results in error message, "Pasting a string that contains tabs or multiple cells into one cell is not allowed."
        NIM057334 - Topology Snap command is changing M values when it should not be.
        NIM059111 - The rule 'Must not have Gaps' is fixed with the 'Create Feature' fix and it fails at 10.0.
        NIM059241 - The 'What's This' Help topic for 'Save All Customizations to the Document' contains erroneous information in regards to saving toolbars in the Normal template.
        NIM060247 - In a citrix environment, the dockable windows shadows and dock hints are not being drawn fast enough.
        NIM057845 - Tools that accept a constant (formulated raster) should be able to be accept a number (long, double) model variable as input.
        NIM058526 - Arcpy.CombinatorialAnd, Arcpy.CombinatorialOr, Arcpy.CombinatorialXOr fail on Unix & Linux.
        NIM059555 - Drawing training samples in circle causes a crash.
        NIM059575 - DEM to Raster should honor the Env Pyramid setting.
        NIM059661 - Numpy functions should not accept string for point parameter.
        NIM059662 - Allow Mosaic Raster Dataset source to work in distance allocation.
        NIM059663 - Output grid stack defined by first band. Extract By Attribute tool output is incorrect when negative value is not the first band.
        NIM059664 - In the Python Window, a single line tool exectution with a save does not persist output when add to display option is on.
        NIM059665 - Output compression type for pgdb raster not honored.
        NIM059666 - Scripting in python window holds raster objects after save to IMG, PGDB, TIF. When loaded, the dataset does not have statistics and contains an invalid extent.
        NIM059667 - Can't save grid from scratchworkspace with space or more than eight chars.
        NIM059668 - ExtractValueToPoints and SingleOutputMapAlgebra crashes when run consecutively.
        NIM059669 - Build statistics for input raster when required.
        NIM059674 - After switching to layout view and back to data view, all training samples disappear.
        NIM059675 - BSTR leak in ImageClassificationUI code.
        NIM059716 - Extent off of the raster object is not displaying appropriate attributes in the drop down menu.
        NIM059740 - CellStatistics should default to "MEAN" when the statistic type string is empty string or not specified.
        NIM059743 - Some statistics types do not honor DATA/NODATA parameter in
        NIM059744 - The new script tool IsoClusterUnsupervisedClassification fails with an error message when called in arcpy site package.
        NIM059868 - Weighted Overlay changes scale values when the tool UI is refreshed.
        NIM060252 - ISurfaceOp2::Visibility fails with error message when input feature is an arc from a coverage.
        NIM060695 - Spatial Analyst processes should run concurrently with separate workspace.
        NIM060698 - Spatial Analyst tools that require raster Statistics of an input raster should produce error when good statistics are not provided.
        NIM060888 - Diff tool outputs a double precision (64-bit) floating-point raster in non-grid formats when both inputs are integer rasters and output is non-grid.
        NIM059576 - Feature to Raster should not be dependent on a Spatial Analyst or 3D Analyst license.
        NIM059577 - Crash - Raster to Polygon when a raster dataset with all NoData values is given as input.
        NIM060295 - On Linux, DEM to Raster output is shifted by 1 row when the input has a Spatial Reference.
        NIM060508 - Lookup tool outputs an integer raster when a floating point field is specified for file or personal geodatabase.
        NIM059833 - Contour with z factor not equal to 1 takes too long if a very large input raster is used and the output extent is set to a smaller extent.
        NIM050021 - Handle Leak while using the ISurfaceOp2.Visibility Method.
        NIM058278 - The Zonal Statistics as Table tool crashes when input zone is a feature class and a string field is specified.
        NIM058525 - Minority in returns NoData when all the cell values are the same at a certain location. It should return the value instead.
        NIM058527 -On Linux or Unix platforms, the BitwiseLeftShift operator creates an invalid raster object which crashes when you try to query the raster object property or save the raster object.
        NIM059972 - ExtractValuestoPoints tool, "Append all the input raster attributes to the output point features" parameter does not work when Input Raster is a gdb raster dataset.
        NIM059882 - PathDistance does not honor maximum distance during execution.
        NIM060506 - Boundary Clean tool produces some incorrect values when output to a non-Grid format.
        NIM059691 - CellStatistics (gp tool) outputs incorrect pixel type when output is non-grid (for a few statistics types).
        NIM059715 - Raster Calculator is failing in a model feedback loop with %n%.
        NIM059692 - Class Probability output gridstack does not honor the output spatial reference.
        NIM054118 - LineStatistics returns incorrect results with Statistics type set to 'Variety'.
        NIM059726 - Focal Statistics with large circle, wedge or annulus neighborhood and decimal radius can produce incorrect results.
        NIM060490 - LineStatistics output is incorrect when output is a non-grid raster.
        NIM060491 - IRasterNeighborhoodOp.PointStatistics creates incorrect output for the provided data and settings.
        NIM060548 - PointStatistics outputs incorrect raster when output is non-grid.
        NIM059714 - The Zonal Histogram crashes on Engine when graph name is supplied.
        NIM059973 - The Zonal Statistics as Table crashes on Linux when executed multiple times.
        NIM060494 - Zonal Statistics and Zonal Statistics as Table fail to execute with multiband dataset as input.
        NIM060835 - Zonal Statistics As Table creates an empty table when input has a selection and a zone string field is specified.
        NIM060889 - Standalone applications fatal when exiting after a SpatialAnalyst tool is executed in 10.0 execution path.
        NIM060644 - Update JSON/AMF response generated by the core server to return wkid 102100 for Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere instead of 3857.
        NIM056973 - Copy/paste of a featureclass from a 9.3x SDE gdb that contains metadata with a DTD in it fails with a Table not registered error.
        NIM059333 - Object defintions containing Unicode characters stored in 10.0 personal (access) geodatabases are not persisted correctly.
        NIM060416 - After calling feature.Store(), with a failure on a Feature Class participating in a Topology on SDE, dirty area creation fails
        NIM058246 - Subtype default value for ALL fields are missing (not just the XML field) after importing XML workspace document.
        NIM058247 - Extra XML index tags (string data type) are generated in FGDB when using included tags and index type is set to esriXMLIndexTypeDefined.
        NIM060627 - The 3D extent of a new feature needs to be checked when deciding to expand the IGeodataset.Extent of the containing feature class.
        NIM033731 - Simple edge line feature splits with 2 new objectid instead keeping old objectid in one of the segment when there is another edge or junction connect to it in a geometric network.
        NIM050958 - When reconciling a geometric network, the following error, "The version could not be reconciled", is received when reconciling in favor of the edited version.
        NIM060617 - Adding weights to a GN on postgreSQL fails.
        NIM058303 - Performance is slow in 10 geodatabase compared to 9.3.1 during comparison of changes in different versions.
        NIM058677 - Topology exceptions that intersect dirty areas are being re-promoted to errors.
        NIM060039 - Validating topology with line must be inside polygon fails with 114 error.
        NIM060434 - IFeatureDataConverter:ConvertFeatureDataset fails to fully qualify the featureclass name during the update of metadata after a successful conversion.
        NIM056207 - Copy data from SDE to a newly created empty personal/file geodatabase failed with error "table already exist".
        NIM047467 - Receiving "The field is not nullable" error when labelling the joined feature class and the joined table has a Global ID.
        NIM058489 - FGDB does not support adjusting route times when the route occurs during a Daylight Saving Time shift forward or backward.
        NIM060310 - Building a continental European network dataset with historical traffic runs out of memory.
        NIM060311 - Cannot cancel building a 10.0 (upgraded) network dataset.
        NIM060495 - Crash on reconcile occurs when there is a GN and ND together in pre-10 workspace.
        NIM058863 - When switching from raster catalog's preview to content view from ArcCatalog, the content view shows the thumbnails incorrectly.
        NIM060802 - The symbology property page needs to refresh when the data source has been changed for a feature class rendered with representations.
        NIM061046 - Interpolate shape with TIN or Terrain results incorrect elevation value for the points when using LINEAR method.
        NIM057350 - Improve the performance of XML import to 10.0 geodatabases.
        NIM057570 - Adding a field to file gdb checkout leads to Unable to Save Edits error.
        NIM058231 - Upgrading pre-10 geodatabases with replicas to version 10 causes the synchronization process to fail.
        NIM058253 - Editing a feature class in a feature dataset, and then reconciling with DEFAULT can sometimes crash ArcMap.
        NIM059634 - Importing XML Data Change Message failed and causes arcmap to crash.
        NIM059890 - Allow the add globalid command to work in catalog and GP with an ArcView license.
        NIM059891 - Performance degradation is worse with the 'Export Data Changes' tool at ArcGIS 10 compared to 9.3.1.
        NIM059940 - An ArcSDE feature class with raster field updates does not import XML Delta messages.
        NIM060716 - Checkout from non-versioned source: this delete does not check in to parent.
        NIM060718 - Synchronize doesn't transfer some relationship class intermediate table edits in the case of 1-way archive replicas.
        NIM060743 - Import Message on parent is disabled for one-way replicas.
        NIM058379 - Importing an XML workspace document with more than one table that has an indexed XML field results in a crash.
        NIM059154 - Improve the performance of WFS GetFeature operation.
        NIM057881 - On XML Export Workspace Document dialog there are hard coded strings.
        NIM057117 - The calculated decimal degree X and Y coordinate values of the Calculate Geometry are out of range since it is using the values from the projected coordinate system.
        NIM058635 - Field Calculator does not work when using Dimensions or Annotation layers that have a join.
        NIM058898 - Unable to create multiline cell when editing the table using SHIFT + ENTER.
        NIM060567 - Table element displays cut-off values or values rendered outside the bounds of the table frame.
        NIM058751 - Geocoding properties do not get applied for ArcGIS 10 locators to the attached locator associated with a geocoded featureClass.
        NIM058756 - Geocoding properties do not display for ArcGIS 10 locators that are published to ArcGIS Server.
        NIM060432 - Can't geocode streetnames with number symbol #.
        NIM012103 - When an address locator is opened by a user, another user can still delete it but the .lox file will still exist, preventing a new address locator from being created with the same name.
        NIM055232 - Batch Geocoding does not match anything when a locator is built with no city, state, or zip fields mapped.
        NIM058752 - Fix redundant parses caused by dictionary search returning the same matching strings with and without trailing spaces.
        NIM058753 - ArcGIS 10 locators use more memory that the amount specified by the RuntimeMemoryLimit property in the xml.
        NIM058754 - Locator and its memory is not released after batch geocoding of some tables.
        NIM058755 - Make default decimal places for Score and PercentAlong values to 2, and support user-defined decimal places for Score and PercentAlong.
        NIM058757 - Remove content from output locator which is not relevant to the locator.
        NIM058758 - Provide match information by address component in the output feature class.
        NIM058759 - Batch geocoding tables using US Dual Ranges style where only first field mapped to an alias field doesn't work.
        NIM058761 - Locator relationships should not inherit and build useless relationships.
        NIM058762 - Results of intersection geocoding are missing spatial reference and cannot be projected correctly.
        NIM058763 - Scoring problem in batch matching if the reference data contains full State name.
        NIM058764 - International addresses that have "beta" umlaut and ss for ß in the names cannot be found.
        NIM058905 - ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 cannot see address locators with spaces in the name stored in an ArcSDE 10 or earlier geodatabase.
        NIM059293 - "OK" button is disabled for the Address Locator Properties dialog when the locator is stored in SDE even when some of the properties have been changed.
        NIM059297 - Reverse geocode and spatial offset don't work with locators based on projected data.
        NIM059492 - Rematch Dialog does not show the standardized fields when "" is selected from the locator dropdown menu and the Composite locator supports standardization.
        NIM059569 - Support batch matching with single line inputs in the table.
        NIM060027 - Cannot use text delimited table containing addresses for geocoding with Desktop UI.
        NIM060262 - Input addresses without zone information are slow if there are many candidates.
        NIM059754 - The composite locator properties dialog should disable the "Standardized Address" checkbox when the participating locators do not support standardization.
        NIM060029 - I18N - Geocoding toolbar doesn't work correctly in RTL (right to left).
        NIM040931 - Some offset line events are only partially drawing.
        NIM060219 - Running a script tool from the dialog, followed by a 2nd tool from the Python window will hang the application.
        NIM055130 - When I use Japanese language, Use features from: cannot be selected in the extract data task.
        NIM058139 - The Densify editing tool fails with error 999999 when using a large densify distance or deflection angle with a curved polygon stored in SDE.
        NIM058363 - Running tools that create an output table in an IN_MEMORY workspace succeed but never return results to the application.
        NIM059617 - The Densify tool does not work with Bezier curve geometries.
        NIM059797 - Using the Snap tool with certain SDE input data produces a self-intersecting geometry which raises error 999999.
        NIM060215 - If the default output workspace is a geodatabase, on validate output parameters will show a double path.
        NIM060220 - Dissolve with statistics field MIN or MAX produces erroneous results when used on a STRING field.
        NIM060558 - The Snap tool (and possible other Editing tools) cause the application to crash when they are a part of ModelBuilder Feature Selection iteration.
        NIM060724 - Output of Pivot Table's field are incorrect.
        NIM056484 - Using a space character (" ") as a join delimiter in the Spatial Join tool Field Map parameter does not work in Python, but does work in the tool dialog and ModelBuilder.
        NIM059479 - The Select by Location tool does not return selected features if an initial query uses an empty layer as the target feature with the 'add to selection' option. As a result, future queries are run against selectable layers.
        NIM059615 - Create Thiessen Polygons tool fails when using a joined SDE feature class
        NIM060256 - Overlay operations are not releasing cursors correctly.
        NIM060257 - Large Geoprocessing Overlay operations are quite slow when run against ArcSDE data. This fix works around a Geodatabase issue in order to reduce the amount of time Overlay operations take when run against ArcSDE data.
        NIM060264 - Union of two feature classes containing representations is causing some field values to be set to null rather than containing their values from the input.
        NIM060265 - Running intersect against a layer with its ratio policy set and an outputCoordinateSystem set to something different than the input results in an incorrect ratio being used to determine the new values for split features.
        NIM060497 - Generate near table tool returns 000585 warning in script.
        NIM060606 - Buffer tool incorrectly collapses geometries when using negative buffer field values.
        NIM058452 - Intersecting Layers Mask Tool will crash with negative margin values when either of the input layers are point geometries.
        NIM058652 - Intersecting Layers Masks creates polygons between layers that do not intersect; they appear to be the equivalent of an Intersect of a Feature Outline Mask of both layers.
        NIM059915 - The Intersecting Layers Mask tool needs to verify that generated polygons have a critical size before they are included in the output.
        NIM060143 - Calculate Polygon Main Angle tool does not support the use of float and integer fields for Angle Field parameter.
        NIM060270 - Compressing and Uncompressing a file geodatabase with the Preview Tab open in ArcCatalog will corrupt the last feature class previewed. Compress File Geodatabase and Uncompress File Geodatabase tools are run in the background.
        NIM057403 - Polygon to Raster - cells incorrectly classified (appears to be where top right corner of polygon equals top right corner of raster cell).
        NIM060092 - KMLtoLayer crashes when run as a stand alone script.
        NIM060777 - Point, Polyline, Polygon, Feature To Raster tools crash when output is a fGDB raster.
        NIM050253 - Using a digit grouping symbol like ',' with English regional settings, or not using any grouping symbol in an European language environment for the Reference Scale Value in the Tiled Labels To Annotation tool, causes the reference scale to change (e.g., 1,000 becomes 1) or the tool errors out and no output is created.
        NIM060115 - Python Window intellisense/help does not work if command does not contain spaces.
        NIM060213 - ListTools and ListToolboxes are returning empty lists when run in a script tool in the background.
        NIM060214 - Geoprocessing tools run in Map after the map calculator return empty output (not true if run after CalculateField).
        NIM060217 - Snap tool crashes application when all Snap Features are outside the search tolerance of the Input Features.
        NIM052741 - A layer added into an empty MXD via a script tool using CURRENT quickly gets added then immediately removed from the TOC.
        NIM057402 - If there is a join between two feature classes, then a relate is created to another feature class based on a join field, the relate is dropped after resourcing the layers using arcpy.mapping.
        NIM057911 - FieldCalculater python codeblock cannot handle Asian characters correctly.
        NIM058531 - The replaceDataSource method fails when a file type extension is included in dataset_name parameter.
        NIM058535 - Joins and Relates are not being migrated when using Table and layer replaceDatasource methods. The layers and table migrate, but not the associated joins and relates.
        NIM058536 - Associated joins and relates are on stand-alone tables are NOT migrated if the primary table is NOT broken.
        NIM058555 - arcpy.mapping saveACopy is failing in Solaris and Linux with a AttributeError about no-write-access.
        NIM059548 - arcpy.mapping Export and List functions are leaking memory and resource handles. This may cause the host process for the script to crash or become unresponsive, and limits the use of arcpy.mapping inside of GP services.
        NIM059762 - Stand-alone tables in the TOC get renamed back to their dataset name when their data sources are changed.
        NIM060202 - Functions that have an input data parameter such as Describe, ListFields, SearchCursor and several others, all fail with a "ERROR 999999: Error executing function." if the data does not exist.
        NIM060216 - SearchCursor example failing with interior rings.
        NIM060218 - Geometry, centroid and labelpoint property values have changed since 9.3.1.
        NIM060334 - arcpy.mapping PDFDocument.appendPages and .insertPages fail with Unicode strings.
        NIM060431 - arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF, ExportToEPS, and DataDrivenPages.exportToPDF - image_compression needs to have the "Adaptive"and "JPEG" options and control for JPEG quality.
        NIM060657 - arcpy.mapping.ExportToTiff fails with JPEG compression.
        NIM060658 - arcpy.mapping DDP.printPages does not throw error if printer has been removed from system.
        NIM060661 - Arcpy - listBrokenDataSources returns broken tables bottom up but should be going top down.
        NIM060530 - To support field editing capabilities with ArcGIS Mobile, include the ability to add a Global ID field to a feature class at all ArcGIS Desktop license levels.
        NIM058216 - To support field editing capabilities with ArcGIS Mobile, include the ability to add a Global ID field to a feature class at all ArcGIS Desktop license levels.
        NIM057556 - When models containing metadata geoprocessing tools are run as tools, any intermediate XML files that are created aren't deleted along with other intermediate data.
        NIM054663 - Running DeleteRows_management against a selection set on ArcSDE data is very slow.
        NIM057045 - Field objects have a type property that is incompatible with some of the AddField tool's Field Type keywords. This forces special handling on to the user.
        NIM057434 - Dissolve with the unsplit lines option checked on a line feature class, fails with a 999999 error if the input includes a line feature that has a coincident starting and ending vertex.
        NIM057916 - Calculatevalue tool "datatype" drop-down default value is "Variant"---it is hard-coded string. However, the whole drop-down is localizable, which causes a validation error.
        NIM058950 - The following tools are unavailable for ArcView and ArcEditor license even though Functionality Matrix and ArcGIS 10 Desktop Help specify that they should be available: calculate end time, convert time field, convert time zone, transpose field.
        NIM059084 - Make the "Polygon Feature Class from Lines" command to be available at the ArcEditor license level.
        NIM059095 - Convert Time Field, in Data Management, is not available in the ArcView license level as described in the documentation.
        NIM060158 - The Find Identical and Delete Identical tools give incorrect results in certain situations when using the shape field.
        NIM060263 - qualifiedFieldNames is broken when the output feature class is ArcSDE.
        NIM060280 - Find Identical tool validated output Data Element has incorrect field name (is "INPUT_FID" should be "IN_FID").
        NIM060355 - When a spatial index already exists, the AddSpatialIndex tool is ignoring any grid sizes you enter when run against FGDB. The same operation works if the data is ArcSDE.
        NIM060619 - XY To Line tool doesn't chain properly in ModelBuilder (other MA tools too!).
        NIM060482 - SplitlineAtPoint tool causes ArcMap to crash if the input line FC has representation layer in it.
        NIM057441 - Make Grid and Graticule Layer GP tool: Grids cannot created in a SQL Server express database when connected through Database Servers.
        NIM058380 - Make GGL: CLP_FC not added to the output group layer in TOC and is missing representation.
        NIM060545 - Grids and Graticules Designer: Generate new Global IDs every time a grid is saved.
        NIM060546 - Make Grids and Graticules Layer: PDF export includes "ghost" line at data frame extent after Make Grids.
        NIM060547 - Grids and Graticules Designer: Error with too small interval value in Ticks.
        NIM060549 - Make Grids and Graticules Layer: ArcMap crashes when annotation rotation is set to "parent grid component".
        NIM060550 - Grid Layout View: Configure layout is setting data frame extent to null.
        NIM060551 - Make Grids and Graticules Layer: Display "North" or South" in Calculated coordinate systems.
        NIM060552 - Make Grids and Graticules Layer: GP tool is reprojecting AOIs from layer files and feature classes to map spatial reference.
        NIM059220 - The Make NetCDF Raster tool shows striping in the display.
        NIM057942 - CreateRasterCatalog Geoprocessing tool cannot be localized.
        NIM056338 - Geocode services error when used in a geoprocessing service.
        NIM057915 - Mirrored icon for Batch control when open batch tool under Hebrew locale.
        NIM060279 - Setting a password on a script tool sometimes causes the application to crash.
        NIM056651 - The overview window title in Model Builder is not localized.
        NIM057908 - Model builder window "Undo" button doesn't show tooltip when mouse move above it.
        NIM058592 - Nothing happens when 60 or more text files (.txt) are added to a File multivalue variable in ModelBuilder.
        NIM059835 - The Calculate Field tool runs only on the first input in an Iterator.
        NIM060024 - Exporting a model to script with environment variables connected to tools produces incorrect Python syntax in resulting script.
        NIM057834 - Right-click to create a toolset in Catalog window, the newly created toolset(default name is still "Toolset") is not localizable; for example work within a Chinese ArcGIS Desktop.
        NIM060616 - GP tool loses focus after running a tool; closing ArcMap after the lost focus causes a crash.
        NIM058893 - Wizard - LPI, IDW, Kernel, Diffusion interpolation methods should allow one to browse for rasters (currently only raster layers are supported).
        NIM058894 - CopyFromVariogram parameter in XML file is ignored when the Create Geostatistical Layer tool is used.
        NIM059578 - The output of a Create Spatially Balanced Points process, is not the same as Solaris/Windows.
        NIM059579 - All dialogs have the same title when Exporting different variography types.
        NIM059580 - PARAMETER variable is only available for K, J Bessel and Stable kriging models (and should not be listed for the other kriging models).
        NIM059581 - Crash - When an area outside the input extent is specified in the Voronoi ESDA tool.
        NIM059582 - Model string missing in the Wizard for Indicator and Probability kriging.
        NIM059583 - SHIFTS - flag is set to TRUE when going back from searching neighborhood.
        NIM059584 - Mouse over title on the GA toolbar icon refers to Geostatistical Analyst Wizard, in the doc it's called Geostatistical Wizard.
        NIM059585 - SearchNeighborhoodSmooth, the default smoothFactor should be 0.2 and not 0.
        NIM059586 - : The "#" and "" should mean that default value is accepted.
        NIM059587 - Diffusion and Kernel Interpolation should not allow a negative bandwidth value.
        NIM059588 - Typo in the Cross Validation output table.
        NIM059589 - Wizard - cokriging, change Between var1-var1 to something else, the model string is not updated.
        NIM059590 - A copied GA layers legend is not refreshed when the layer type is changed from Prediction to Standard Error of Prediction (or vice versa).
        NIM059591 - Subset Features - Error 999998 if 9.0 P GDB is used.
        NIM059592 - Wizard - kriging - general controls change order after clicking next/back on the semivariogram page.
        NIM059593 - Wizard - If Windows display settings are changed then the Legend in the preview is cutoff.
        NIM059603 - Crash - When different save options are used (one after the other) to export the variography.
        NIM059605 - Add prediction standard error to the "Kernel Smoothing" interpolation.
        NIM059644 - Diffusion interpolation - default iteration value too small when raster barriers are used.
        NIM059645 - The renderer used in the Wizard and for the GA layer in ArcMap must be the same.
        NIM059965 - Searching neighborhood incorrectly uses angle parameter when sectors are specified.
        NIM059967 - The panels of the Wizard semivariogram should be the same size that they were when the Wizard was last used.
        NIM059974 - The exponential kernel for Local Polynomial Interpolation and Kernel Interpolation with Barriers GP tools need to be the same as that in the Wizard.
        NIM060172 - Wizard crashes when using a Joined field.
        NIM044075 - When draping a Shapefile on a TIN in ArcGlobe, the TIN elevation will not be honored.
        NIM044307 - Custom renderer does not draw correctly after creating new envelop feedback on globe.
        NIM057955 - Geographic transformation OSGB_1936_To_WGS_1984_Petroleum results in a shift in ArcGlobe. MW 6/4/10.
        NIM060033 - ArcGlobe crashes if you drag/drop data into the TOC List by Selection tab. Works OK in ArcMap.
        NIM060634 - The resolution of texture for building multipatch data is blurred in ArcGlobe.
        NIM060723 - Copy/Paste of multipatch layer does not honor the disabled textures option.
        NIM059339 - Buttons are mirrored in 3D text element properties.
        NIM059443 - Check marks at TOC are mirrored in RTL environment.
        NIM060253 - Raster Group Layer is not refreshing transparency in 3D view when it is set via the Group Lyr Properties dialog (Display tab).
        NIM060268 - Selecting rasterized lines with labels causes ArcGlobe to crash.
        NIM060649 - Measure dialog box clears when toggling between navigate tool and Measure Height tool.
        NIM060722 - Changing ArcGlobe default image LOD settings causes globe imagery to flash non-stop.
        NIM060276 - Additional viewers should open to the same location as the main viewer; not full extent.
        NIM060196 - Spin tool bar is too small for Latin languages.
        NIM060240 - DirectImageDraw draws ziz-zags at International DateLine.
        NIM060243 - Layer to KML is exporting 3D (extruded polygons, multipatch) as flat.
        NIM060474 - Inserting a legend that contains a layer with a complex dash pattern will cause the application to enter an infinite loop.
        NIM059989 - Exporting DDP as Multiple PDF Files (page names) does not name the outputs correctly.
        NIM059755 - The Print Dialog will crash when clicking the setup button in and Engine application.
        NIM057213 - Error messages related to the data licenses in the ArcGIS Administrator need to be localizable.
        NIM058850 - CCP: ArcInfo Concurrent Use licenses cannot be "borrowed" from the ArcGIS License Manager.
        NIM060413 - When performing an offline deauthorization of the License Manager, licenses return to ESRI Customer Service OK. However the deauthorize.resps returned from Customer Service cannot be processed in through the License Server Administrator.
        NIM060584 - The AGA shows Data Interop as installed even though it isn't.
        NIM060767 - If the sdlic file is in a folder with a path name that contains a space, the behavior is not correct if you double-click on the file to install the license.
        NIM057199 - When you open a web map in ArcMap, bookmarks in the web map don't appear in the resulting new map document.
        NIM057757 - Graticules don't appear in new templates until something is done that causes the data frame to redraw.
        NIM058538 - Users cannot "strip" SDE username & password from map documents. The ability to do so is an important aspect of map automation (changing SDE connection properties with ArcPy mapping) & sharing map documents.
        NIM059038 - When the decimal separator is set to comma, ArcGIS Desktop is unable to open an web map.
        NIM059841 - When a magnifier window is opened, "Magnify By" defaults to 400%, but "Fixed Scale" defaults to the same scale as the map.
        NIM060534 - Some ArcGIS Online web maps can't be opened in ArcMap, results in message, 'Could not open the specified file.'
        NIM058343 - Using default field properties, numeric fields can be unexpectedly displayed on two lines, when only one line is required.
        NIM059619 - The Summary statistic does not work for End of Page, but does work for End of Report or End of Group.
        NIM059620 - If the Report View Contents Field is not set, you will get a Null Exception when trying to save an .rlf.
        NIM059622 - The Report Designer Crashes when the Dataset Options dialog is displayed twice from the Report Properties dialog.
        NIM057627 - Increase space to fit in Chinese and Japanese characters in the Find dialog.
        NIM059769 - The esri_CAD.prj is not being used in ArcMap if there is already a PRJ defined in the CAD file with Export to CAD or ArcGIS for AutoCAD.
        NIM057404 - The "Data Frame Option" dialog name is concatinated and cannot translate properly.
        NIM057099 - On Win7 release machine, user won't be able to view data source's Item Description.
        NIM059023 - Select Features Tool will incorrectly select all features in an event layer.
        NIM057271 - File Menu ArcGIS Online objects within ArcMap do not respect proxy values. Any organization with traffic forced through a proxy will not be able to use the "Sign In...", "Add Data", or "ArcGIS Online..." objects. Affected clients may crash or hang when performing any operations associated with the File menu.
        NIM057762 - All foreign characters uploaded to ArcGIS online will appear as questions marks at the Description tab.
        NIM055444 - The difference tool in the image analysis dialog generates invalid statistics.
        NIM058165 - Application crashes on histogram equalize with BML / rBML.
        NIM059232 - Changing visibility on accelerated raster layer invalidates the cache.
        NIM059237 - Graphic / Feature clip on accelerated raster doesn't display when accelerated, unacceleration displays correct.
        NIM058590 - A crash occurs when using the time slider with a graph that has a function.
        NIM060697 - When creating 4 bundles using 4 SOCs at the same time, some of the bundles are left half cooked.
        NIM059928 - Dynamic Display reads entire raster catalog dataset before anything is drawn to display.
        NIM057775 - Error in disconnecting layer connections.
        NIM058748 - IDataLayer::Disconnect throws an error when called on a StandaloneTable.
        NIM059306 - Grouped graphic elements cannot be resized by moving the side anchors; the elements disappear.
        NIM058289 - Track Completion Status is not updating the feature class table while generating cache.
        NIM058326 - CreateMapServerCache tool is not able to compare source data projection with Tiling scheme data projection for MapDocument with GCS_WGS_1984_Major_Auxiliary_Sphere projection.
        NIM059380 - Export, Import & convert tools fail to execute successfully if GP tool does not have access to the cache directory.
        NIM059561 - Cache directories & map data gets corrupted if the map data and cache directory are on the same drive.
        NIM060481 - ArcMap crashes if Convert tool is run on a service where tiles have been generated through cache on demand.
        NIM060596 - Entering wrong parameters in python script for cache workflows is causing file corruption & deletion.
        NIM060597 - Compact cache services are not able to display blank.jpg tiles when certain cache tiles are missing.
        NIM008993 - Scale Bar Format tab, Bar Size drop-down list is empty.
        NIM052232 - Cannot modify Legend label symbol properties on raster with stretch renderer.
        NIM059050 - The Apply button on the Scale Bar Properties dialog box only works the first time you use it.
        NIM060088 - Characters typed in the Size field of the Bar section, Format tab, of Scale Bar Properties are displayed in the reverse order that they were typed.
        NIM058710 - Changes to inserted picture or image are not saved in ArcGIS 10 Final.
        NIM060747 - For SDC files with protected Shape field, you cannot use Identify tool.
        NIM060748 - For SDC files with protected Shape field, if you project the data frame, the features will not display.
        NIM059693 - A turn feature class that is created in the Catalog window should show up in the network dataset layer's Layer Properties > Symbology tab.
        NIM058254 - Downloading rasters using clip geometry from image services failed on ArcGIS Server Java Edition/Windows.
        NIM060221 - Image service exportimage operation doesn't generate geotiff.
        NIM060255 - Cannot download SDE rasters and GRID from image services.
        NIM060537 - Image service doesn't honor input statistics in a stretch function.
        NIM047249 - Unable to create representation on SDE feature classes when importing symbology rules from a layer file created with a different user connection.
        NIM056967 - During draw to an output file, certain Rep line features intermittently output with incorrect bright blue symbology.
        NIM057780 - Convert Symbology to Representations does not honor the size of Character Marker Symbol elements when X or Y offsets are used.
        NIM058653 - Representations whose actual geographic point is outside the current view window but some part of the symbol would be drawn inside the current view window do not display until the view has been refreshed or panned once.
        NIM058333 - Feature service cannot be stated in the localized ArcGIS Server.
        NIM058563 - Feature Server returns an error when there are no features to return for query related records operation.
        NIM060730 - Output SR is ignored in Feature Service Query and QueryRelatedRecords operations when the spatial reference of the feature class is different from the spatial reference of the Map.
        NIM060742 - Create local copy for editing from an msd of relationships can create layers incorrectly.
        NIM060769 - In Feature Server's resources, add the order of arguments.
        NIM060781 - Feature Server should not list the domains of the properties that are set as invisible in layer properties in a map.
        NIM045906 - The Lambert Conformal Conic projection, among others, are not drawn correctly. This problem occurs when using data published to ArcGIS Server and consumed in ArcMap.
        NIM059428 - ArcMap times out when a MapServiceLayer with lots of sublayers is being added; that is because MapServer takes longer time to respond GetServerInfo() request when the source map has lots of layers.
        NIM059946 - REST Export Map or SOAP calls query the date fields for the invisible time-enabled layers in a map service (.mxd based) to get time extent causing performance overhead.
        NIM060190 - Both mxd and msd based MapServers' Identify result should not include "attachment" relationship.
        NIM052920 - Cached map service layer not recognizing long path name to directory.
        NIM060553 - Adding and removing a MapServiceLayer with lots of legends repeatedly crashes ArcMap eventually and corrupts the local cache (in case of cached MapServiceLayer).
        NIM059123 - GetMap and GetLegendGraphic operation on msd based WMS service causes memory leak.
        NIM059150 - WMS based Image Service doesn't display image in German locale.
        NIM059151 - WMS based on Image Service doesn't generate new capabilities files or overwrite existing old capabilities files in output folder.
        NIM059739 - Space in url encoded as "+" in WMS SLD_Body parameter causes exception on .NET WMS Server.
        NIM060156 - Legend image from WMS service enlarged and pixelated in ArcMap.
        NIM058594 - Symbology Options disappear from the Layer Properties dialog box if Symbology was based on a join and the join is removed.
        NIM058461 - Validation process needed for Update Cursor inside contextual generalization tools when inputs are read-only or compressed data AND for barrier features.
        NIM058462 - Merge Divided Roads tool crashes when run on compressed data or read-only data.
        NIM059383 - Maps that use layer masking and symbol level drawing are crashing on machines that have Desktop installed and are running analyzers outside of an ArcMap session.
        NIM060731 - GE Offset on Stroke -> In the Preview window the Offset Line disappears if the size of the preview window is changed.
        NIM058804 - Optimized (msd) mapServer ignores temporal settings on a raster mosaic layer.
        NIM059887 - Representation ShapeOverride: if the map is projecting on the fly the features with shape override are not drawing in mach5.
        NIM060791 - [PDS] 32-bit MapServerX crashes under very high SOAP ExportMapImage load on Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit).
        NIM060611 - Maximum number of records retuned by server option, the default value is incorrect when an MSD-based service is published.
        NIM059279 - Cannot change selection color for point layers in a New Route.
        NIM058434 - Driving directions sometimes tell users to take the ramp in the wrong direction when routing on Tele Atlas MultiNet data.
        NIM059403 - Signpost is not recognized in some cases when 'Use hierarchy' is enabled.
        NIM059404 - Failure to read some of the INAStreetDirection properties after de-serialization.
        NIM060273 - The driving directions text returns an excessive number of fork instructions when traveling down a freeway with multiple entrances to the carpool lane.
        NIM060460 - Update Analysis Layer Attribute Parameter GP tool fails to execute when used with an Iterate Row Selection iterator in Model Builder.
        NIM060462 - On Linux, the DissolveNetwork GP tool incorrectly outputs the warning message that VBScript logic in the field evaluator for the Oneway restriction attribute is different in along and the against digitized directions.
        NIM058542 - NAServer.WSDL has "Azimuth" instead of "DepartBearing" and "GeneralBearing" in NAStreetDirections and NACompactStreetDirections.
        NIM060463 - Deleting an item from the Network Analyst window does not correctly notify all the listeners that the associated selection sets has changed.
        NIM056864 - In certain cases, the OD Cost Matrix solver can find a path between two locations and the Route solver cannot.
        NIM059227 - VRP solver does not return the correct "TotalCost," when unpaid breaks are not assigned to the route.
        NIM059259 - VRP solver needs to improve the memory management to better handle problems with a large number of routes.
        NIM059366 - The Route solver must always set all the output fields on Stops to null if the stop is not included in the solution.
        NIM059787 - Infinite loop in VRP solver.
        NIM060464 - Solving some TargetMarketShare location allocation problems causes the Solve GP tool to hang infinitely on Linux.
        NIM060465 - On Linux and Solaris, the Vehicle Routing Problem solver incorrectly outputs violated constraints for orders and routes as zero when their value is greater than or equal to 1024.
        NIM051287 - Localization issue with Schematic Feature Class name appearing in label; the dynamic strings cannot be translated correctly.
        NIM057551 - There is a [Missing] entry if I right-click a geodatabase and point to New. That should be the slot for the Schematic Dataset, but if Schematics is not installed, the menu is not properly cleaned up.
        NIM059542 - Checkbox Initialize Vertices in Relationship Rule doesn't work correctly.
        NIM060604 - The Target attribute doesn't work for Expand Links rule.
        NIM060641 - Default Node Class doesn't work.
        NIM061197 - For an XML Builder, the property for LayoutHasChanged is always True even though it is a brand new diagram being generated and has never been displayed.
        NIM060248 - "Last" string is hard-coded in Search window.
        NIM055479 - When indexing, error message DesktopIndexingService.exe has stopped working - but ArcMap does not crash, and index is built successfully.
        NIM058873 - Starting ArcMap or clicking on the Search window in either ArcMap or ArcCatalog on Spanish Windows XP, Windows 7, or Windows Vista without the Spanish language supplement installed results in a Microsoft .NET Framework exception error; as it is looking for the file ItemInfoTypes.xml in a directory path that does not exist.
        NIM060736 - Search window does not work when searching ArcGIS online using proxies.
        NIM060749 - Accessing in a fully locked down proxy environment does not work.
        NIM058610 - Invalid sketches are allowed when using the Reshape Feature tool in ArcGIS 10. These invalid sketches produce two identical vertices on top of each other when the line should not be altered in any way.
        NIM059717 - A horizontal line in a projected coordinate system that crosses the +/-180 meridian can hang ArcMap and ArcGIS Explorer.
        NIM047977 - AutoCAD DWG file and geodatabase feature classes created from the DWG display tiny circles or bubbles at various scales when drawn in ArcMap or ArcCatalog. Also occurs in data that does not originate from CAD files.
        NIM060699 - JSONReader returns E_UNEXPECTED error when parsing some JSON data and JSONWriter was not writing null values in arrays properly.
    ArcGIS Engine
        NIM058357 - Terrain data is not being created in 9.3.1 GDB during layer packaging. The 10 version works fine.
        NIM052200 - Using GraphicTracker.MoveTo with point data in ArcGlobe, the move is not visible until the globe is panned.
        NIM057621 - Create Package processing toolbar needs to be localized.
        NIM057791 - If the Map Package is 2 GB or more in size, it cannot be opened in ArcMap.
        NIM058352 - If the target folder for Packaging is not accessible, an improper packaging error will occur.
        NIM058353 - Cannot use the spatial reference of the data frame when importing schema only packages in ArcScene.
        NIM060379 - ThreadInterruption not handled properly at AGE10.
        NIM060458 - The Other Extension field for the Engine Runtime authorization does not work.
        NIM062382 - Layer Packages and Map Packages created with ArcGIS 10 Service Pack 1 cannot be opened with ArcGIS 10.

    ArcGIS License Manager
        NIM060413 - When performing an offline deauthorization of the License Manager, licenses return to ESRI Customer Service OK. However the deauthorize.resps returned from Customer Service cannot be processed in through the License Server Administrator.

    ArcGIS Server
    GIS Services and Caching
    For all Platforms:

        NIM036536 - Scalebar images are not exporting correctly using Polish & French locale.
        NIM052879 - Converting cache is not able to clean folders successfully.
        NIM057758 - Custom Extent is causing full extent button to zoom way out on the data.
        NIM058039 - When consuming a 10.0 cached service using an internet connection in the 9.3.1 Web ADF, the service behaves dynamically and does not access the cache tiles directly.
        NIM058289 - Track Completion Status is not updating the feature class table while generating cache.
        NIM058326 - CreateMapServerCache tool is not able to compare source data projection with Tiling scheme data projection for MapDocument with GCS_WGS_1984_Major_Auxiliary_Sphere projection.
        NIM058333 - Feature service cannot be started in the localized ArcGIS Server.
        NIM058563 - Feature Server returns an error when there are no features to return for query related records operation.
        NIM058797 - The Software authorization wizard on 64 Bit SDE crashes when given an invalid ECP number.
        NIM059123 - GetMap and GetLegendGraphic operation on msd based WMS service causes memory leak.
        NIM059150 - WMS based Image Service doesn't display image in German locale.
        NIM059151 - WMS based on Image Service doesn't generate new capabilities files or overwrite existing old capabilities files in output folder.
        NIM059207 - The Software Authorization Wizard will throw an error when licensing more than one SDE repository on the same RDBMS with the same ECP#.
        NIM052920 - Cached map service layer not recognizing long path name to directory.
        NIM059380 - Export, Import & convert tools fail to execute successfully if GP tool does not have access to the cache directory.
        NIM059428 - ArcMap times out when a MapServiceLayer with lots of sublayers is being added; that is because MapServer takes longer time to respond GetServerInfo() request when the source map has lots of layers.
        NIM059561 - Cache directories & map data gets corrupted if the map data and cache directory are on the same drive.
        NIM059739 - Space in url encoded as "+" in WMS SLD_Body parameter causes exception on .NET WMS Server.
        NIM059929 - SOAP Client returns an Invalid SOAP response exception when it accesses a SOAP-enabled Java SOE, which is deployed on a .NET Server.
        NIM060156 - Legend image from WMS service enlarged and pixilated in ArcMap.
        NIM060190 - Identify result for both mxd and msd based MapServer layers should not include "attachment" relationship.
        NIM060553 - Adding and removing a MapServiceLayer with lots of legends repeatedly crashes ArcMap eventually and corrupts the local cache (in case of cached MapServiceLayer).
        NIM060596 - Entering wrong parameters in python script for cache workflows is causing file corruption & deletion.
        NIM060597 - Compact cache services are not able to display blank.jpg tiles when certain cache tiles are missing.
        NIM060611 - Maximum number of records retuned by server option, the default value is incorrect when an MSD-based service is published.
        NIM060697 - When creating 4 bundles using 4 SOCs at the same time, some of the bundles are left half cooked.
        NIM060781 - Feature Server should not list the domains of the properties that are set as invisible in layer properties in a map.
        NIM060769 - In Feature Server’s resources, add the order of arguments.
        NIM060791 - MapServer crashes under very high SOAP ExportMapImage load on Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit).

    For Linux and Solaris only:

        NIM050509 - ArcGIS Server Java on Linux becomes corrupted after installation and is unable to start map services. Server_diag_tool returns "INVALID_RESPONSE" from all queries.
        NIM058331 - Generating cache on Unix fails to cache certain extents and the tool reports success even if it has created less than the required bundles.
    For Java:
        NIM058096 - Attachment query will fail when the service does not have an output folder. Return a descriptive error message for this failure.
        NIM058097 - For GP Execute or Submitjob operation json to xml need to set hasz or hasm on the geometry definition to false. When a feature class that is used in defining the schema contains z's or m's then the GP execute or submitjob operation will fail.
        NIM058098 - JAVA REST ignores the definition query that is set for this layer for query related records.
        NIM058122 - For Async GP Jobs, Java REST returns results and input parameters as json array instead of a json object.
        NIM058124 - When output SR is set in a FindAddressCandidates request to a 10 locator, this SR is used in subsequent requests where the output spatial reference is not set.
        NIM058127 - MapService Identify with top|visible layers option does not return any results for a layer with visibility turned off in the map.
        NIM058129 - View in ArcMap returns an error when v=10.0 is specified.
        NIM058130 - Services Directory for an image service: The 'View in ArcMap' link should generate its LYR file in v9.3 format not v10.0 format. Currently if a Desktop 9.3 user tries to add an image service being served with Server 10 into their map using this link, nothing happens.
        NIM058418 - Add support in Java REST for generating MapService LEGEND/TOC.
        NIM058454 - Update Java REST to support short-lived tokens that are generated without providing a clientID and/or expiration.
        NIM058868 - Add a configuration parameter in REST to set the interval at which REST should check for the availability of primary SOM in failover/round-robin configuration.
        NIM059372 - Add a configuration parameter in REST to set the interval at which REST should check for the availability of primary SOM in failover/round-robin configuration.
        NIM059725 - Update the content-disposition in response header such that attachment will open in the browser by default for content types that are supported by the browser.
        NIM059749 - Update version number in rest config to 10.01 to indicate release version for 10.0 SP1.
        NIM060066 - Add support for JSON output from TokenService in ArcGIS Server for Java platform.
        NIM060225 - Image Services created with ISCDEF files fail exportImage requests that default to JPGPNG output format.
        NIM060338 - Update MapService resource to include layers scale dependent visibility information.
        NIM060339 - Include current version information in json returned for Map, Feature, Image, Geocode and NA Service resources.
        NIM060643 - Update Java REST to report WKID:102100 for Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere instead of WKID:3857.
        NIM060797 - In ArcGIS Server Java REST API check for invalid characters in the callback and callback.html query string parameters.
    For .NET:
        NIM055056 - .NET REST returns a response status of 500 when a tile is not found instead of the status code 404 Not Found.
        NIM057963 - Services Directory for an image service: The 'View in ArcMap' link should generate its LYR file in v9.3 format not v10.0 format.
        NIM058087 - NET REST admin GenerateToken page does not enforce the requirement of SSL when in rest.config is set to true.
        NIM058088 - MapService Identify with top|visible layers option does not return any results for a layer with visibility turned off in the map.
        NIM058089 - In .NET REST View in ArcMap returns an error when v=10.0 is specified.
        NIM058090 - Content-Type not returned in Image Service ExportImage response header when the output image format is jpgpng (f=image).
        NIM058106 - For GP Execute or Submitjob operation json to xml need to set hasz or hasm on the geometry definition to false. Currently if a feature class that is used in defining the schema contains z's or m's, then the GP operation will fail.
        NIM058108 - For Query Related Records HTML output, .NET REST is assuming the date values to be in PST(or local time) and is adding 08:00:00 hrs when returning the result in UTC.
        NIM058110 - Issues with generating admin token and programmatically clearing cache in .NET REST admin.
        NIM058116 - When no output fields are set, ImageService query operation returns all output fields. Java REST returns OBJECTID field only when geometry is not requested.
        NIM058120 - Attachment query will fail when the Map Service is not configured with an output folder. Return a descriptive error message for this failure.
        NIM058121 - 9.3.1 equivalency> The content-type returned in the response header for cache tiles in .NET REST always defaults to JPG even though the image format is png8/png24/png32.
        NIM058251 - The token service url that is returned by .NET REST Server Info resource is not suitable for programmatically generating a token. Currently it returns the url to the getToken HTML page which is the page intended for manually generating a token. Mobile clients (eg: IPhone) require the url returned to be the token service endpoint that can be programmatically used to generate a token.
        NIM058417 - When a folder requires encrypted web access, the services in that folder are still accessible via http when using .NET REST.
        NIM058419 - Add support in .NET REST for generating MapService LEGEND/TOC.
        NIM058420 - Do not render invalid input parameters in the error messages returned in the Services Directory.
        NIM058421 - Update the content-disposition in response header for attachment to "inline" so the attachment will display in browser for content types that are supported by the browser.
        NIM058547 - In .NET REST Services Directory "View in" link should not be listed for a table in a feature service.
        NIM058622 - When a job is submitted to Aync GP Services and the output format is json(f=json) for programatic access, response should not be a redirect to the job status page.
        NIM058772 - MapService Layer description (f=html) returns an error "An unexpected error occurred processing the request" instead of showing relationship.
        NIM058773 - Query related records fails with error "Invalid value for parameter 'outFields'".
        NIM058869 - Add support to return feature count in a MapService/FeatureService/ImageService query operation.
        NIM058915 - An invalid AMF is generated by feature service for empty feature set.
        NIM058968 - Cannot login to REST admin if the url to REST admin login page is a redirected from a http endpoint to https.
        NIM059104 - When logging in to the Services Directory in Firefox/Chrome browsers on Windows 2008, the application does not update to list secured folders or display the logged in user.
        NIM059204 - If a network dataset does not contain any attribute parameter values, the JSON returned for the route, service area or closest facility layer description is incorrect.
        NIM059439 - Regions returned from KML-enabled, compact cached MapServices contain no map tiles and display as white in KML clients.
        NIM059442 - Domain accounts can not log in to REST admin (a) when the server is off the network or (b) when the server is on the network but on a sub-domain and the SOM owner is a local account.
        NIM059640 - Accessing an Image Service in REST 10 that was based on a 9.3.1 ISCDEF file causes the following error: "500 Internal Server Error".
        NIM059814 - REST does not honor download capability setting in an Image Service configuration.
        NIM059946 - REST Export Map or SOAP calls query the date fields for the invisible time-enabled layers in a map service (.mxd based) to get time extent causing performance overhead.
        NIM060028 - In Services Directory for ImageService ExportImage operation, pixel type value in the dropdown list does not reflect the pixeltype value in the url.
        NIM060079 - Add support for JSON output from TokenService in ArcGIS Server for Microsoft .NET Framework.
        NIM060224 - Performance update to .NET REST API.
        NIM060340 - Update MapService resource to include layers scale dependent visibility information.
        NIM060341 - In .NET REST API, include current version information in json returned for Map, Feature, Image, Geocode and NA Service resources.
        NIM060396 - Content-Type is not included in http response header information returned for cached tiles when using IIS7.
        NIM060531 - In ArcGIS Server .NET REST API, check for invalid characters in the callback and callback.html query string parameters.
        NIM060730 - Output SR is ignored in Feature Service Query and QueryRelatedRecords operations when the spatial reference of the feature class is different from the spatial reference of the Map.
        NIM060751 - Update version number in rest config to indicate release version for 10.0 SP1.
        NIM060768 - Update .NET REST to report WKID:102100 for Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere instead of WKID:3857.

        No Mobile specific issues.
    .Net Manager
        NIM056124 - WMS and WCS services based on Image Services fail to draw when published using the 'Add New Service' wizard in Manager.
        NIM058004 - On XP 64 bit and 2003 64 bit, Web Mapping Applications published from Manager display the message 'The page cannot be displayed' when they open because they are referencing the Framework64 ISAPI dll.
        NIM058591 - When retrieving the Bing Maps Key in Manager, clicking the Enter key causes the progress indicator to hang and never returns the Bing Maps Key.
        NIM058709 - When viewing the Parameters tab for a Search Service in Manager, the word 'Current' is spelled incorrectly.
        NIM060175 - A combo box in the Constraints tab for Network Analysis capability is short for Spanish localization.
        NIM060180 - Translated string overflows the theme picker image.
        NIM060195 - Units comboxes for network analysis capability are short for Spanish localization.
    .Net Web ADF
        NIM059275 - Unable to add the .NET Web ADF web controls to the toolbox in Visual Web Developer 2008 (and 2010) Express because the DLLs are not being installed on disk.
    Java Manager
        NIM058327 - When changing the cache directory of a cached Map service, automatically check the cache configuration at the new cache directory location.
        NIM058456 - When changing the cache directory of a cached Map service, automatically check the cache configuration at the new cache directory location.
        NIM059126 - Manager fails to create cache tiling scheme using an existing map service.
        NIM059265 - When running the install for ArcGIS Server in German, it is not possible to start the ArcGIS Server Manager.
        NIM060468 - ArcGIS Server JAVA Manager does not show the "Mixed" tile format option for an .msd based service.
    Java Web ADF
        NIM058488 - Query Task in Map Web Application cannot retrieve non-English character samples when an Internet connection is used.